Train goes by

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When the day came for me to start Hogwarts, my father had to be there a couple days before, as being a professor required him to plan work before the students arrived. So, therefore that left me to get on the train alone. I'd already packed my suitcase with my father the week before, just so I wouldn't be rushing when it came to my arrival. Others in my year had already started a day before me, ready for the sorting of the different first years, so I was the only one on the train. I'm surprised the driver spent his time giving me a ride to school, seeing as nobody else had joined me.

My father had been waiting for me at the Hogsmeade platform, as my year had their first opportunity that term to be there for the day. Three students were walking along a path near the station when they decided to watch my father. "What's Snape standing there for?" One of them asked, whispering. They must have been spying because they never greeted my father. Maybe it was the reputation issue. I heard that students were afraid of my father, so I guess that was just natural to not talk to him.

The train came to a holt a few moments later, and the three stayed there to see who would come off of it. My father waited patiently too. I gathered up my belongings from the train - my Hogwarts suitcase, my books from Diagon Alley, and everything else I'd brought. Picking them up, as I walked by the driver to one of the open doors, and thanked him. Finally, I got off the train and noticed my father smiling at me with open arms. I dropped my belongings and ran over to him, as he picked me up holding me in his arms. "Daddy!!" I shouted, rushing over. I noticed the trio standing a couple metres away, but didn't say anything. They must have been wondering who I was. I'm actually quite shocked that they didn't recognise me, because I was practically a carbon-copy of him.

My father looked at me and smiled, letting go of me. "How was the journey?" He asked, walking over to pick up my belongings with me. I pushed my hair behind my ears, smiling. "It was lovely thank you, the views were absolutely wonderful, and the driver sent me a box of sweets from Hogsmeade to try!" I said, excitedly. We walked down the path and my eyes found themselves glaring at the trio. "Who are they?" I whispered to my father, not pointing but looking in their direction. He rolled his eyes at them, and then turned to me. "Potter, the one in the middle is quite the troublemaker. Do not feel pity for him. He will quite likely cause you problems. Weasley, on the left, comes from a "blood traitor" family. He messes up spells and you may notice that when it comes to your classes. His two twin brothers are quite the troublemakers too, so don't get involved with them, as they are sure to get you detention. Granger, on the left is smart for a mudblood, but not when it comes to friends. You may find yourself battling against your wits with her, but considering your strengths, I wouldn't be surprised if you were smarter than her. All three of them find themselves involved with anything - let's say - "wrong". They are always found at the scenes of crimes." I sighed, as my father had always told me about the different houses in Hogwarts. To be honest, he'd repeated them so often that they stuck like glue in my head. "So, they're Gryffindors?" I asked, not surprised at what his answer would be. "Yes Martha, Gryffindors. Idiots, that's what they are."

The beginning of Martha SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now