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Another day to attend classes and go through the usual college horror.
I very much prefer being on my bed to being on campus but a choice I don't have.
I had tests today which I didn't even study much for but it's like they say 'You do your best and leave the rest'.

I stepped out of my last class for the day ready to finally head home and get some rest.
On my way out, I met up with Ben and Trent at the entrance and I was just livid. To think they still missed the test despite my warnings.

'I told you guys not to miss school today and you still did, like seriously?' I practically yelled at the both of them.

'C'mon my beautiful Ocean, we'll just make up for it with exams' Ben said.

'Why are you guys here anyways?' I asked rolling my eyes at them.

'Well, we came to meet up with Preston. We have to go see a friend so we decided to go together'. Trent said.

'Well alright, I have to head home as I am way too exhausted. I'll call you guys tonight so we can meet up' I said to them.

'Alright baby girl, we'll be waiting' Trent said.

I got home in no time and I was finally on my sweet bed.
Looking at the ceiling, I literally have nothing to do at home. Amelia wasn't even home to keep me company.
I took out my phone to watch the new k drama series Doctor Slump on netflix when my mum's call came through.

'Hello Ocean, how are you today?' She asked.

'Hi Mum, I'm quite alright. How are you as well'? I asked.

'Very well, I just called to check on you as I haven't heard from you in about two days. You should know better than not to call your mother Ocean.' She said.

'I'm sorry mum, I have just been busy with school work' I said.

'That's alright. By the way, your father called he said he has been trying to get through to you for some days now but he has not been able to.' She said

My heart ached at the thought of my father. For someone I had not seen in about 16 years, he sure does have a lot of nerve trying to get through to me. He does the same thing every five months, sometimes eight months.
He was one of the many demons I had in my life, one of the many demons I fought everyday.
How could one abandon his child, just like that without thinking twice about it. Wasn't I worth him staying, wasn't my mum worth it?
These are the same questions I ask myself over and over everyday.

'I do not want to speak to that man mum, I honestly don't. Please tell him to stop trying to get through to me' I said.

'I have told you countless number of times Ocean, you shouldn't be mad at him, things happen for a reason' She said.

'I hear you mother but you can't tell me how to feel, you can't' I said.

Nobody understands what it is like growing up without a father, watching my mum struggle every single day without any help until my Step-dad came into the picture. He wasn't someone I liked but I had no choice but to live with it.

'It's alright, I'll talk to you later' She said and without waiting for me to say goodbye she dropped the call.

I didn't exactly grow up the way kids with both parents did. I had just one parent, just one to do everything for me. It wasn't exactly easy for her either but she was left with absolutely no choice.
I remember how scared I would get as a child if my mum got ill in any way. I would be so terrified. He left us and now he's trying to make amends, old people really think that's how it works.
Pushing back every thought relating to my parents, I decided to take a nap just to get my head settled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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