Curiosity Killed the Cat (Lover) | Tantrum Trio

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TW: death, angst, (ends in fluff)

People: Tantrum Trio consists of Chayanne, Dapper, and Ramón.

Description: Ramón's 1st canon dead, but I out my own details on it. (In my AUs, the eggs were adopted when they were first hatched.)

Inspiration: Philza's QSMP stream on April 5th.

     "Chayanne, stop right now! I won't hesitate to take away your bike! I just got it today, but I will take it back!" Each of the parents' steps were pushed by the dedication of parenthood. It wasn't a good idea to let three recently hatched dragonlings off on their own, but to be fair, they weren't exactly allowing their children to run off, the trio sort of just did after Bad said "goodbye". Maybe Dapper didn't want to leave, and so the three just agreed to run off. 

      "Ramón! Stop running this instant!" Fit shouted, already panting. "Guys, we're not as fit as you are, you have to slow down!" Phil screamed in hopes of catching up to the kids. "Dapper, come back now!" No matter how many times the three were told to turn around, they just kept running farther and farther away. It was becoming dark out, and they really shouldn't have been outside a lit up area, otherwise the entirety of the undead would start chasing them. It'd already happened once that day, not to mention Phil unintentionally angering 'God.'

      "Aha! I've got you!" Bad said, grabbing ahold of his son's waist and picking him up. Dapper was kicking scratching, doing anything he could to get back to his friends. "I got you Chayanne," said the Crow Father, throwing his child up in the air and catching him, lying the blonde boy's head on his shoulder. Chayanne just accepted it, knowing that it wasn't a good idea to upset his father any further. Ramón also gave up on running, seeing that his best friends had been caught. He just turned around and looked at his dad with his sparkling blue eyes, practically trying to guilt trip them all into letting the trio go. 

    "No, don't even try that," Fit said, also carrying his son, allowing the boy's face to rest on the crook of his neck. Ramón just pulled back and looked at the man with a pout. "No, no, no, stop doing that. You're not gonna get me with that, so don't waste your time trying." The three parents turned to speak to each other, but what they didn't know was their children had turned their heads to scheme through their eyes. "Great, it's becoming night. We're not gonna make it home in time," Phil sighed. "I mean we could just set up camp or som- OW! DAPPER!" The boy laughed when Bad dropped him, and he landed on his feet. "Did you just bite me!?" Seeing that their parents were distracted, Chayanne and Ramón managed to wiggle their way out of strong arms, and the trio was off running again. "You've got to be kidding," all three dads said at the same time, following their kids. 

     "Where are we even going?" The Brit asked. Ramón briefly stopped to look at them, but not long enough to be caught again, and said, "adventure!" Fit's eyes widened. "D-did he just talk?" Phil laughed. "I mean, Chayanne did earlier when you were taking a piss behind the bushes. I'm not surprised," the bald man shrugged. "Of course his first word is 'adventure', that goofball." 

     "Well, where are we adventuring to?" Bad questioned, now walking alongside his kid. Seeing that the parents had given up on cathing them, Ramón and Chayanne had also begun to walk. Chayanne pointed to a spaceship he'd caught sight of, and his mouth hung open. Fit and Phil shared a knowing look, being hesitant on whether or not they should let this happen. "And, it's too late. They're already bridging up," Phil mumbled, slapping himself in the face. "Fine, fine! But this is a horrible idea!"

"There are spawners on the wings!?" 

"Oh, I took so much damage!" 

"What the fuck even is this bridge?"


    "Ramón!" Time seemed to freeze for everyone. The brunette was lying on the ground, struggling to crawl away from his attacker. The skeleton that had downed him walked off of the edge, so he was safe now. Or, he thought. His twin brother couldn't get to him in time, desoite rushing up the wooden stairway. -Ramon was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting a wither skeleton- "That's it. One life gone," Fit sighed, "guys, let's get out of here." Phil silently agreed before screaming for Chayanne to follow along. On their way back down the wooden bridge, Dapper stopped to look at the body of his twin brother. He just stared, expressionless, a gaze of nothingness. "Dapper, come on," Bad muttered, grabbing the boy's hand and dragging him along. But the whole way back down, Dapper's eyes didn't leave the corpse. Ramón's body had burns, flesh shown. The white streak in his brown hair was stained red. 

     "Ramón! You're back!" Chayanne and Dapper immediately looked towards the sound of Fit's voice, seeing their brother, who looked scared. He was shaking, and that white streak in his hair glowed with sparkles. His blue eyes pleaded for forgiveness, but he still looked terrified. 

      "I-I'm sorry," he whispered. Fit frowned and knelt in front of the boy. "It's okay, just never do that again." Dapper grabbed his elbow with his opposite hand and looked down. "I'm sorry Ramón... I should've gotten you," he mumbled a tear sliding down his face. Bad was in shock that his son could speak, but processed what was happening quickly, and was immediately there to comfort the child. "It's okay, we should've been there too. Don't put the blame on yourself." 

      Soon the trio was okay again, begging for forgiveness, which the parents thought was unnecessary, but they got it in the end. Chayanne had found lettuce seeds and gave them to Dapper, because that's the only reason Dapper was really there.

      "Great, now Chayanne, let's go burn down this village," Phil whispered, watching the blonde's eyes light up. "Yeah!"

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