The Exam

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"Excuse me sir, but I have a question," A boy closer to the front suddenly spoke up, quickly gaining the attention of almost everyone in the room. 

"Hit me!" Present Mic exclaimed as he pointed to the boy, waiting for him to voice whatever his question was, happy that somebody beside him was actually finally saying something. The boy held up a sheet of paper

"On the print out, you have listed four types of villains. Not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful," the boy exclaimed as he looked over at the pro hero. "We are exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable University. A mistake such as this will not do," he then turned around and pointed straight at Deku, "Additionally, you with the unkempt hair."

Deku let out a small grunt of surprise, pointing to himself in confusion, "huh?" he choked out

"You have been muttering this whole time. Stop that," the dark blue-haired boy scolded, a stern expression on his face. Akira couldn't help but snicker at the boy's no-nonsense attitude, finding it slightly amusing, though she quickly covered it up with a cough and discreetly sank back into her seat.

"If you can't bother to take this seriously, then leave," the boy continued to scold Deku, clearly not caring that everyone was now staring at either him or Deku, "you are distracting the rest of us."

Deku was quick to cover his mouth with his hand, his cheeks flashing with embarrassment. Akira on the other hand was covering her mouth to try and muffle her laughter. 

"Sorry," Deku whispered and a large majority of the students in the lecture hall were now laughing to themselves

"Alright alright. Examinee number 7-1-1-1. Thanks for calling in with your request," Present Mic spoke up, giving the boy a thumbs up as he brought the attention back to himself. "The fourth villain type is worth zero points. That guy is just an obstacle we will be throwing in your way. There is one in every battle center. Think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it cant be beaten, but there's... kinda no point," Present Mic explains

"I recommend my listeners try to ignore it and focus on the ones toppin' the charts!" Present Mic exclaimed with his signature energy. Iida, the boy who had asked the question, bowed respectfully. "Thank you very much. Please continue," he said before resuming his seat.

"So they are kinda like traps you have to get by in games," Akira mumbled softly to herself, her mind making the connection between the exam and video games. "The whole thing is kinda like a video game, huh?" she pondered, glancing at Bakugou, who rolled his eyes at her observation.

"It's not a game, Kira," he reminded her sternly, emphasizing the seriousness of the exam. Akira nodded, understanding his point, and turned her attention back to the front.

"That's all I got for you today. I'll sign off with a little present. A sample of our school motto! As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down. 'A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes.' Mm-hm. Now that's a tasty soundbite. You ready to go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra!"

"Good luck! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books," he added with a playful wink, inspiring laughter and enthusiasm among the students as they prepared for the practical exam ahead.

Akira and Bakugou muttered their goodbyes and good lucks before separating and making their way to their designated battle centres. 


She stood in front of the large brown doors, nerves nipping at her skin. "Well... this is it," she muttered to herself quietly. Akira's heart raced with anticipation as she waited for her turn to begin the exam. Her mind replayed the advice from her parents, echoing the words they had drilled into her for years. "Show them your power, Akira. Prove that you are the ultimate hero we've raised you to be."

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