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I was not surprised at all to see Kaning seated beside Ren and MJ during our graduation ceremony. As I delivered my valedictorian speech, for some reason my eyes were drawn towards her. There she was, so tiny and so pretty with a bouquet made out of hydrangea. When the ceremony ended, she congratulated me and gave the said flowers. I know MJ wouldn’t let this moment pass and would tease me about it. Since Kaning still had to return to the flower shop, we bid her farewell while we prepared for the prom night later. I could have asked Kaning to come to the prom with me but my friends and I have already made a pact a long time ago that we would attend the prom with no dates. However, given the messy affair going on in Thyme’s life we assumed he’d be bringing Lita. MJ was helping me put on my tie when he mentioned Kaning.
“But you and Kaning…what’s the story?” There was a naughty gleam in his eyes.
“What?” I adjusted the tie to avoid eye contact with him. “Nothing’s going on.”
“Really.” I said coolly. “Don’t imagine things.”
We both laughed. How do I avoid MJ’s teasing? How do I not make it that obvious? Luckily, Ren arrived.
Apparently, someone issued an F4 red card to Gorya. MJ immediately forgot teasing me and we focused our attention on the current situation. It turned out that Talay wasn’t a student at all at Kocher Academy. He was only posing as such in order to get close to Gorya and exact his revenge on Thyme. Both sustained injuries in their ordeal and was hospitalized.
I asked Kaning to look after Gorya and inform me right away once she regains consciousness. I might have also asked Kaning not to tell Gorya that Thyme is okay. Mind you, it was hard to keep a straight face watching Gorya fall to our prank. We may have received a beating from her but it was worth it – she finally confessed that she loves Thyme too.
We didn’t stay long in the hospital to give the new lovers a private moment of their own. Ren and MJ left together. When MJ bade goodbye to Kaning, it didn’t escape my notice that he meant to tease us. I knew MJ too well to know that something’s going on between Kaning and I. I don’t know it yet really. I’m just drawn to her.
Today I brought with me my sports car since the other car I used previously was being repaired in the car shop. Normally, the sports car is the one I drive whenever I’m out on a date. For some reason I’d like to drive the sports car with Kaning as my passenger. I couldn’t very well send her home riding a bus when I have a perfectly good vehicle with me, right?
Once Kaning was seated inside my sports car, she seemed to be a little tense. Maybe it’s because of her middleclass background but she doesn’t seem to think owning or driving an expensive car such as mine is cool. To prove that expensive cars are cool, I drove at top speed all the way to her house. Her screams of terror inside the car was louder than the rumbling sound of my wheels and engine combined. Of all the girls I rode with in the sports car, she’s the most fun I had in years.
“How cool was that, huh?”
“I thought I’d never get home.” Kaning sighed in relief.
I chuckled. “How could you not? I told you I’d get you home. But if it’s the usual way, it’s not F4, right?”
I leaned closer to her. No, I’m not stupid enough to steal a kiss from her. Instead, I grabbed the papers I tucked on the passenger door. It didn’t escape my notice that she was relieved nothing happened.
“I got you this. Can you make sense of it?” I asked. “These are the patterns my grandmother keeps.” I proudly told Kaning as she inspected each design. “The ones I told you I’d give to you.”
Remember when she gave me a bouquet of flowers during my graduation ceremony? Well, attached to it was a flower garland. Being an expert at making flower garlands, I could tell that Kaning made it rather hastily. I didn’t want to offend her so instead I thanked her and promised to her that I’d show her the patterns which my grandmother made and kept.
“Wow, they look so classy.” She was definitely impressed. “I can never find these patterns on the net.”
“Of course. These are the Taemiyaklin Kittiyangkul garden patterns.”
“Of course, my lord.” She teased me. “But it must be very difficult to make,” she commented while tracing one of the patterns.
“Kaning, you’re very skilled. I can help advise you.” I don’t usually offer flower garland making to any of my dates. There was only one girl with whom I always do this with. But she’s neither here or there. It should be shocking that I was initiating all these, willingly and desiring to share what used to be a very personal and intimate activity for me.
“Thank you, Kavin, for remembering these little details we talked about. I’ll show you a finished product. See you later.”
Listening to her genuinely express her thanks, I realized I should tread carefully. Being a flirt is so innate in me that it’s hard when to turn it off. The little bubble of serenity we’ve created whenever we’re together in close proximity, burst as soon as she stepped out of my car. I was brought back to the present time and reminded of pressing matters.
“Kaning,” I called out to her from my car window, “please look after Gorya.” She turned around. “She’s just been through a tough time. I don’t know what is in store for her next.”
“I know that already,” she replied. “But you said it like it was not over.”
“It’s just a general concern.” I reassured her. She gave me a smile before she went inside her home.
Now it’s time to deal with Talay and close this chapter in our lives. Unlike with Talay, we still don’t know how to deal and get rid of Lita. This one is much more complicated since it also involves business matters. Even in our modern age, contract marriage is still a thing among the wealthy families.
Thyme and Gorya have been discharged from the hospital already. Thyme is back at their mansion recuperating with Gorya as her personal maid. To cover up Gorya’s presence inside Thyme’s room where Lita caught the two, the Paramaanantra head maid Auntie Yu lied that Gorya was hired to be Thyme’s personal maid. More than that, Auntie Yu wanted Gorya to pay for the broken vase. What Thyme wants, Thyme gets.
And what do I get instead? A babysitting job. Since Gorya is now working at Thyme’s mansion as well as attending school, she doesn’t have enough spare time to do her part-time job at the flower shop. To ease her worry about Kaning, I was sent over there in Gorya’s stead.
One day I’m gonna get MJ for volunteering me. If I didn’t know him any better, he’s just trying to prove his suspicions that something is going on between Kaning and I. 
So, there I was standing in front of Kaning and Uncle Ga explaining to them the situation. “As I was saying, I was tricked to work here in place of Gorya.”
“Marvelous,” Uncle Ga remarked with a hint of sarcasm. He usually welcomes F4’s presence in the shop but not today. “We should hand out flyers today. I’ve printed a big pile of flyers. What do we do now?”
“Boy, did I pick the right day to be here,” I said to myself, looking away from them.
Kaning didn’t seem bothered by my predicament. “How’s Gorya doing about work, the house, and Lita?”
I drank the bottle of juice as she waited for answers.
“Kaning, Kaning,” Uncle Ga spoke, “I get that you’re worried about Gorya but we have so much to do.” He reminded her. “Let’s finish our work first and talk about Gorya later.”
“When will we ever finish?” Kaning moaned.
While the two were talking, I inspected the flyer. Just a marketing promo. “Yeah, if we hand out flyers the usual way, it will take a long time.” An idea formed in my mind. “But don’t worry, Tua Lek, I’ve got an idea. This thing requires some assistance, like the face and the skin that is glowing.”
“Mine?” Kaning eagerly asked.
“Mine.” I clarified.
It’s really simple. After Kaning drew what I instructed her, I put on an apron, stepped outside and yelled to the top of my lungs.
“Hello, if you buy flowers from Maytee O Garden regardless of the price, you’ll get a flyer from the shop, and for a special promotion, a kiss from yours truly.”
I told you it was simple. But not an original. I copied it from an old TV drama I saw when I was a little younger. Which ladies would resist not to buy a product and get a kiss from a handsome guy? No one. Stall merchants and passersby flocked towards me.
Because we are future heirs and inheritors of our family businesses, us F4 have, from a young age, been taught about strategies in business. One of them is to be resourceful.
This has to be a record-breaking moment for me. I haven’t kissed a hundred ladies in a single day! It was dark already when I gave the last customer her free kiss. I’ve done my part. I’ve helped Gorya. Uncle Ga is happy with the sales made today. I can finally go home. Or not.
Ren and MJ updated me about Lita. There’s nothing we can do about her at this point. Rather than meet with them, I halted Kaning from leaving.
“Where are you going, Tua Lek?”
“I’m not sure how Gorya is doing. So, I…want to see her.”
“No need.”
It’s true that Kaning is truly worried for Gorya but I could also sense that she was avoiding me. Or talking about us. Not that there is an us.
“You have more important thing to do.” Maybe I said this a little bit firmly but I needed her to know I was serious. To see my point, I snatched the tote bag from her. “I can see what’s inside.”
“No!” She tried to stop me.
I took out the flower garland she made. “Did you make this using my family’s pattern?”
“It’s difficult,” she sheepishly admitted.
“Not that.” I scolded her. “You have a great teacher but you never ask him to teach. That’s why I’m going to teach you today.”
After I gave her my family patterns I was expecting her to contact me, asking to teach her how to make them. Like I said, she was avoiding me. 
I asked permission from Uncle Ga if we could stay longer in the shop so I can give one-on-one lessons on flower garland making to Kaning. He was still elated with the sales, so he gladly allowed us. Before he left, he reminded us to close the shop properly and securely once we were done. Then it was just Kaning and I alone in the shop.
“Do you know in my view why garlands are special?” I posed the question to Kaning as I prepared us hot drinks. She had already set up on the floor the items we needed. “Because they are delicate, and it makes them more meaningful.”
“Yes,” I affirmed. “That’s why they are used in important events such as ceremonies and weddings.” I joined and sat beside her. “In the old days, they were used to find a soulmate.”
“Find a soulmate?”
“Fortune garland.” I replied as I remembered the stories my grandmother told to me. “When a woman looked for her soulmate, she would throw a garland at a man she liked.” I have yet to prove this folktale for myself. Kaning was interested.
Then she had the audacity to yawn on me!
“What I’m telling you is when making a garland, you need to concentrate. No distraction. Haven’t I told you this, Tua Lek?”
She nodded.
“What’s more important is you shouldn’t be sleepy!” I reminded her. “Here, I made you a cup of coffee.”
She accepted the cup I offered to her. “Thank you.”
I started to work on a pattern and knew that she was watching me. “I just told you not to be distracted.” I held out the pitiful garland she made. “Don’t tell me the reason you did a poor job on this garland is that you’re busy thinking of me?” It was so easy to tease her.
“Not at all,” she said a little defensively.
“What were you thinking then?” To be honest I was curious what she would say next.
“I don’t know.” She began. “At that time, I may have been worried about Gorya.”
Just as I expected. “You two are cut from the same cloth. You worry about others than yourselves.”
“How can I not?” She countered. “Gorya has been through so much, Kavin.”
I had no rebuttal so she went on. “Before, it was school and Hana. And then it was Talay. And when everything seemed to get better, there’s Lita.”
Lalita Empicca. The big boulder on our shoulders these days.
“I just want her to be happy,” Kaning finished.
This is why I chose a playboy lifestyle. No commitments, no complications. “But this is between three people,” is all I can tell her. “There’s not much we can do.” True. Even as we speak right now, F4 is totally clueless how to deal with Lita, much less solved.
“Isn’t there anything we can do to help at all?” She asked me, hopeful.
Rather than give her false hope or an empty promise, I shared with her some wisdom I possessed. “You know love is a delicate thing, let alone a love triangle. There’s nothing more complicated. In the end, someone will get hurt. Only the people inside the triangle know how it will end.”
“Are you talking about-”
Whatever Kaning meant to ask me it was forgotten as she yelped in pain. She pricked herself.
“So clumsy.” I held the finger she pricked. Instinct or whatever, I almost sucked the said finger. As I stared into Kaning, a shadow of someone from my past passed before my eyes. And the voice of Mona calling my name. Immediately, I withdrew my hand from Kaning’s. “The first aid kit is in the back, right?” I got up from the floor. “I’ll get it.” I had to put some distance between us.
“It’s fine,” Kaning said. Then like a kid, she sucked her own finger. She was so amusing.
“Are you a vampire or something?”
She shook her head.
I sighed. “If you don’t want to get hurt, concentrate more.”
“Who would want to get hurt?” She posed the question so innocently. And I understood we were not talking about pricking one’s finger.
“That’s true. No one wants to get hurt. But that’s life. You can never know what’s going to happen to you. And sometimes the person who hurts you the most is yourself.”
The sudden flashback of Mona triggered something in me.
Fortunately, there was still the Lita case to be dealt with. For the next few days, I didn’t talk or meet with Kaning. I didn’t want to be on my own too. I am afraid that once I’m alone memories of Mona will flood me and throw me into the deep.
At last, the answer to our prayers and pleas came. Lita herself broke off the engagement with Thyme. Wanting to be the first one to deliver the good news to Kaning, I visited her at the flower shop. I caught her on a video chat with Uncle Ga talking about Gorya. She just couldn’t end worrying about her best friend.
“Stop worrying,” I said. “The news confirms it. Lita has called off the engagement. And it looks like a happy ending.”
Kaning and Uncle Ga were filled with joy and gladness. So much so that they decided to close the shop early.
“You keep worrying about others,” I said as I sprayed Kaning with water just for fun.
I patted her on the head. “Think about yourself for a change.”
“What should I be thinking about?”
“Everything.” Herself. Me. But mostly, herself. “Pack up,” I ordered. “I’ll give you a ride.” I went to the back of the shop to lock the door.
I should have known. The flip side of good news is bad news. The last person I expected to appear on this small and unknown flower shop was Mona. Yet there she was chatting with Kaning about flower garlands.
“Are you done, Tua Lek? Let’s go.”
Kaning turned around towards me at the same time hiding hastily the flower garland she was holding. “Kavin. This customer used to make garlands.”
Mona, why now, why today?
“Please excuse me,” Mona spoke and left.
Kaning looked at me suspiciously.
We left the shop and drove towards her home in complete silence. My good mood is ruined. And I wish that whatever Kaning is planning, she should not proceed with it.
“I have something to give you.”
Damn it! Can’t she read the mood? My mood? Why did I ever tell her about finding a soulmate through the fortune garland? Stupid, stupid me!
“I want to give you this because I want to tell you that the garlands you gave me-”
I deliberately swerved the sports car to the side of the road. Unfastening my seatbelt, I was leaning towards her. Our lips mere inches away. I touched her chin. She closed her eyes. I looked at her very intently and saw a naïve virgin girl. She was frightened. I leaned back away from her.
“See? You can’t do it.”
She was so relieved I didn’t kiss her. I never intended to anyway. I only meant to stop her. Maybe scare her away from me too.
“What do you mean?”
“I do this to every girl. When someone tells me she likes me, I’ll tell her I like her too even when I feel nothing.” No need to beat around the bush. “I will never commit to anyone. And it will end with a one-night stand.” This is the harsh reality of who I am and what I do. “You are not cut out for that type of relationship. Move on from me.” I tried to be as gentle and as gentlemanly as I can.
“I don’t get it.” She didn’t seem to be fazed by my scare tactics. “Are you trying to scare me?”
That should be obvious a few minutes ago.
“You could have just chased me off or fooled me to go all the way. But you chose to do this. It’s like you’re trying to be a player to run away from something?”
Bullseye! She saw right through me. And she’s only known me for a couple of weeks. 
“You’re scared to be in a committed relationship. I know that I may not be good enough for you. But I want to understand why you’ve become a guy who never opens his heart to anyone. I do want to understand-”
“No.” I objected. “You said I never opened my heart to anyone.” This is killing me but I had no choice. I can’t lie, deny or hide the truth from Kaning. “I did once to a girl.” I admitted.
For a long time, I’ve tried in vain to bury my feelings for Mona. To forget her. To move on from her. “If you want to know, I’ll tell you.”
And I told Kaning everything about Mona. Even about her requesting me to meet her on a rooftop of some building at six in the morning. I was too consumed by my jealousy and anger that in the end I missed what could have been our once in a lifetime opportunity.
“I have no idea what she would say on the rooftop. But I am certain that bad news is more difficult to give than good news. And it’s true. After that day, Mona has disappeared from my life. It’s funny…a guy who’s broken up with countless girls can’t even face it when it happens to him.” Glancing at her, “Kaning, move on from me.” It wasn’t a warning or a demand. I didn’t want to hurt her as just as I hurt Mona. “Love could be a beautiful thing but it doesn’t apply to me.”
I hoped I get the message across loud and clear to Kaning. I’m not worthy of her love. I’m not worthy of her. I’m not worthy of Mona. I’m not worthy at all to be loved nor to love others.

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