2. // Mandela Catalogue (and Nextbots, Doors crossover)

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murray's caesar salad: heyyy pretty boy 😇

!ALT!: hii invader 😇

The Invader: don't you dare "pretty boy" me

The Invader: you two know damn well what you did don't play innocent with my ass rn.

!ALT!: whaaaat what u talkin aboouuut

murray's caesar salad: lotta gib gab gibberrish buddy

Mr. Murray: Caesar, what'd you do this time 😭

murray's caesar salad: nothing my love

murray's caesar salad: he's just gone insane is all ❤️

The Invader: what's gonna be insane is my fist up yall's fucking asses if yall don't explain why tf I found my hoodie soaked from EXPIRED MILK.

!ALT!: beats me I got no god damn clue

!ALT!: maybe that was what happened between you and gabriel last night

The Invader: i swear to god alternate you're fucking disgusting.

dorcee: hehe cum

The Invader: nobody asked for your fucking opinion dorcellessness this is why your brain and face is half punched in

The Invader: you skater rink face built ass

!ALT!: cmon bro the way the thalasin scientists expirimented on him left him like that

!ALT!: leave him alone

!ALT!: piss on me but not him

The Invader: id gladly piss on you anyday bitch. 

murray's caesar salad: ADAM WHERE R U I'VE BEEN SPAMMING U IN DMS

Mr. Murray: YES, I NOTICED.

corner man <3: omg why do i have like 32 unread messages

murray's caesar salad: adam

murray's caesar salad: psssst

Mr. Murray: Yes... Caesar.

murray's caesar salad: wanna go to my house later 😁

!ALT!: gay detected

Mr. Murray: shut up

Mr. Murray: Caesar, you have a job to go to.

murray's caesar salad: no I don't 🧐

Mr. Murray: yes, you do.

murray's caesar salad: not anymore 

Mr. Murray: What does that even- omfg, don't tell me you quit again.

murray's caesar salad: i was just too much of a slay for them to handle 🕺🏻

Mr. Murray: you scared the manager again didn't you.

murray's caesar salad: nooooooooooooooooo...

Mr. Murray: Caesar.

murray's caesar salad: adam. 😉

Mr. Murray: Don't fool around. I worked hard to get you that job.

murray's caesar salad: come on babe yk I tried but I just can't work with them

Mr. Murray: You can't seem to work with anything. And please stop calling me babe. Not here, at least.

!ALT!: gay detected

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