Spina di Rosula

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"We're way past that right now brother. The secrets behind our magic tricks are beyond saving now or did you forget we're both murder suspects?"reminded Lynette. "Nyyyaaa....Father's going to have a fit."

"I suppose you're right..."sighed Lyney. So Lyney went on to explain how the trick worked and what Lynette had been doing during the show. So after getting their accounts the duo went back for another look at the scene of the crime. Sure enough Xiao was already there speaking with a melusine garde who handed him the bottle of the green colored elixir before storing it away in his own dimensional storage for a bit later. Her beloved Alatus soon rejoined them after she and Paimon finished up their questioning.

"Got what you needed?"he wondered.

"Some things here and there. I see Neuvillete got one of the melusine garde to go to the trench and get the medicine."hummed Lumine before turning into a slight pout. "I'm sorry this night ended up like this...and I-I was really looking forward to it too..."

"Shh...it's not your fault. Despite this tragedy, I am still happy you convinced me to go. It was a huge step for me, and though I am loath to admit it was difficult step....seeing your smile was worth it."he hummed, pulling her close. A soft purr in her ear as he kissed her on the forehead.

"Flatterer."teased Lumine playfully, kissing him back before taking his hand. "Come on lets step out into the lobby for a moment to go over this."


So quick as a whip the trio hurried out into the glare of the moonlight bleeding through the windows into the lobby. Taking a moment to fill him in on what they found and Xiao likewise putting what he had noticed due to his sharper senses. However they soon heard something, "Psstt!! Hey you!"The trio looked around swiftly for the source of the young woman's voice. "Yes you three, I'm over here!" Lumine, Xiao, and Paimon turned their gazes over where an elegantly dressed young female geo allogene in her early to mid twenties sat on the sofa at a coffee table. She wore a rather nice dress with blacks and bright yellows, her black hat adorned in black and yellow roses. With her were two male bodyguards, one a gentleman, dark indigo hair in a low ponytail and sunglasses. The other a much older gentleman likely in his fifties to maybe his sixties. The trio blinked as Lumine gestured towards herself and her husband and floating emergency biscuit. "Yes you three. Ciao~! I've been keeping an eye on you for quite a while now."

"Huh you mean us?"wondered Paimon slow to catch on as the bodyguards parted to let them come over.

"Sì, that is correct. If I am not mistaken you are also among those that desire to cut through the thorns in pursuit of the truth, no? And judging by your appearances, especially the gentleman with you, you're not from Fontaine."greeted the young geo allogene.

"That's correct. I'm Sumerian born nomad but am a Liyue native. While my wife doesn't belong to any nation being nomadic."hummed Xiao.

"As Xiao said you're right on the mora on that one but who are you exactly?"wondered Paimon.

A sly playful grin much like a vixen soon graced her face as she giggled, "Have you not heard of the Spina di Rosula Company? We're an independent investigation and intelligence agency stationed here in Fontaine. From mediating disputes to providing protection to helping solve mysteries, to solving conundrums—you name it, Spina di Rosula does it all. And I, Navia, have the esteemed honor of being its renowned president."

"Navia...Navia...Wait a minute you're the one the Navia Line is named after!!"gaped Lumine once it clicked in.

"The one and the same ehehe~!"Navia giggled. "Although the ones that play by our rules call me boss."

Xiaolumi S6: Dame De LacHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin