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The handler barges into the barn only being able to shoot once, before Five manages to take the gun from her. "Its true isn't it? what Five said." Asks Lila. The handler says nothing as her arms remain raised. "Answer me is it true?!" Lila asks once more this time more desperate for an answer. "Well..." begins the Handler but she can't even say another word before she's shoot down by the last Swedish brother. Her body falls to the ground lifeless as blood drips out her mouth. Lila makes a run for the case, Luther tries to stop her but is stopped by Diego as he's tackled down. Five and the brother point their guns at each other and tension fills the room. Five moves first, he drops his gun. "Enough," he says. The brother looks around at all of us for a second before turning his gaze back to Five. "Enough," he says back as his gun hits the ground. He turns back around and leaves. "Who the hell was that guy," Asks Klaus.

"Vanya! Help!!" yells Sissy. "Harlan." Vanya rushes to help the boy all of the siblings follow her. We'll all except one. you stood helplessly holding your abdomen. Once all of them were gone you took your hand off to see the damage. Your clothes drenched in blood along with your hand. "Y/n?" asks a soft shaky voice from behind you. You turn to meet Five's green glossy eyes as they held back tears. "Five...I'm fine.." You manage to blurt out before you colapse. "Y/n!!" he rushes to you holding your body closely desperately applying pressure to your wound. "No no no, I can... I can fix it... just a few seconds come on." he muttered as he tried to use his powers. However the previous rewind he did to prevent all of his siblings deaths had taken too much energy out of him. His fists glowed blue for a split second but would then disappear. "I can... please..." he continued his desperate attempt but it was no use. "Five..." you mumble reaching out for his hand. He looks up at you, his face now full of tears. "It's ok... just let me go... you saved them... that's what matters." "Wha- Wait how do you know..." "I was alive for a bit longer after." He nods. "Fuck" he mumbles letting out a sob. "It's ok," you reach out to hold his cheek. "It's not your fault...just... just promise me one thing." He nods holding your hand that was pressed against his face to ensure it stayed there. "Anything... anything for you." "Promise... me you'll find me...again."

Five looks at you nodding his head. "mhm I promise I'll look for you over and over again until we can be together." He says smiling fondly. "I love you." You say taking in your last breaths. Five opens his mouth ready to say it back but you stop him. "Save it... Say it to me...when you find me." Five nods leaning in connecting his lips onto your cold ones. He pulls away and hears you take your last breath.

You were gone. He holds your now lifeless body closer to his chest as he let out the most heart wrenching sob. This catches the attention of the rest of the academy. They rush back to see their brother holding the body of the only person he has ever loved more than them.

That day the Umbrella Academy lost both Ben and Y/n, along with a piece of themselves.


The Umbrella Academy groans being nauseous from the time traveling. "Wh... What day is it?" Asks Luther. Five sees a newspaper sitting on a nearby table, he snatches it and takes a look. "April 2, 2019. Day after the apocalypse." "Wait, so we stopped it." Vanya take a breath of relief. "My God, it's over?"
Klaus looks at his siblings. "Did we..." he whimpers, "actually succeed at something? That's incredible!" he yells. Followed by the Academy's laughter. "Oh! I don't know about you guys, but I need a drink." Says Klaus. "Yes." Exclaims Luther. "In fact, I need several." Klaus rushes to the bar "I'm in. I'm in." Says Vanya following Klaus. "I should go find Claire." Allison says. Luther stops her, "Oh, come on, one drink." "No..." she sighs but is dragged away by him anyways.

Glasses clink as the siblings serve themselves their drinks. However one can't keep his eyes off a certain painting. "Why is there a painting of Ben over the mantelpiece?" Diego asks approaching said painting catching the attention of his siblings

"I knew you'd show up eventually." Reginald Hargreeves emerges from his usual seat. "Dad." mumbles Diego. The siblings look at the man dumbfounded "You're alive." Luther says softly. "Why shouldn't I be?" "Yeah. Y-Yeah, you're right. I'm...I'm just happy that we're home and...together again."

"Home"? This isn't your home." Reginald says. "What are you talking about?" Asks Allison. "This is the Umbrella Academy."
"Wrong again." Reginald says. "This is the Sparrow Academy."
As if on cue footsteps approach from behind. The Umbrella Academy turns to see a groups of 5 people and cube? standing on the balcony.

"Ooo why did no one tell me we were having visitors today!"
"Because we're not. Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" asks a familiar yet unfamiliar voice.

Suspense fills the room, as the Umbrella Academy stare back into the eyes of their once deceased family members.


Invisible String | Five HargreevesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu