•-Chapter 42-•

Start from the beginning

     I let go of her when she realizes that it's just me. I close the door before any Walker can walk through.

     "The hell are you doing?" She asks, obviously not in a good mood. I shush her. Why is she acting like I'm the crazy one? I'm just trying to help her?

"I'm taking you home" I say. "I don't know you" she replies. She doesn't know me?

"Why did you give me water?" I ask. "I had it, you needed it. That doesn't make us friends" she says. This shook me a little.

I walk up to her, "we're not friends. I'm doing this for Y/n" I say, walking past her before she says something else.

"Your husband?" She tempts. This angers me a little. I don't like the way he mentioned Y/n in this conversation.

"He wouldn't leave you behind. He wouldn't want me to leave you behind, so we're going" I say, mind already made up.

"I'm not friends with your husband either" Enid says, nearing the invisible line that I don't want her to cross.

"I'm not having this conversation. I'm not leaving you out here. We're going now" I say, "no" she says, turning the other way.
Before she can make a move to the door I grab her hand, but as soon as I even lay a finger on her she turns around and points a gun to my head. I slowly raise my hands.

"Give me the gun, Enid" I say calmly, despite my head being a total mess right now.

"Turn around and walk away" she demands. "You're not gonna pull the trigger" I say, knowing her bluff. "I will if you make me" she threatens.

I move forward and grab the gun, pushing it down. I don't move to take the gun away though.

"Let go" I tell her, to which she listens and releases her grip on the gun. "Asshole" she relents. "You point a gun at me and I'm the asshole?" I question, walking past her to grab anything necessary.
No answer, exactly.

"Let's go. Out the back, down the alley. We're taking the road, we need visibility" I plan out.

"Why?" Enid asks. Why? Why we need visibility?

"Because half the Herd broke off, and they're headed towards home. I guess you missed that" I remind. She just stands there, looking around, mostly at the floor.

She doesn't speak up so I do, "lead the way" I say. She bends over and grabs her backpack then walks right past me, so I follow after her. Teenagers am I right? I wonder if I was ever this rebellious when I was younger, I don't remember much now that I think about it. Maybe that's why I delivered pizzas.


     We've been walking down the road, just like I had planned.

     We spot a Walker on the floor, it's not a threat to us, it's stuck to the floor. So I keep walking straight ahead, not stopping until I hear Enid walk back towards the Walker. She takes out her knife and stabs it in its head.

     "What?" She snaps as she notices me staring. I don't say anything, I just stare at her. We really didn't need to kill it. "You think your husband wouldn't have wanted me to kill it?" She says harshly. I again keep my silence.

Only the strongest survive (Glenn Rhee x M! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now