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The shift is subtle, but Minji notices it anyhow – no more direct selfies for Hanni, or at least, when Minji checks her social media, there's less of their faces and more of their other things: Toes curled in the sand; hair fluttering in the wind; a hand against a knee. Many times, Minji recognizes a bit of herself barely inside the frame – looking out to the water while resting between takes; a silhouette of her drinking from a fresh coconut from afar. A shot of Hanni's morning coffee, with Minji's fingertips resting just a few inches away.

Really subtle, Minji thinks, smiling at her phone a final time before tucking it away.

"You're doing it again," Hanni calls from across the room, and Minji rolls her eyes, pretending to be pissed.

"Doing what again?" she asks, brow lifted.

"That small smile thing just now," says Hanni. "While you were looking on the phone." And then, off Minji's light laugh: "Have you any idea just how many girls are in love with you at this very moment? And it's mainly that small smile thing."

"Shut up Hanni," she says, looking away. She's blushing up a storm and she knows it. "I have no small smile thing."

Besides – what's a handful of girls who are in love with me if none of them is you?

And then, catching herself after that train of thought: I did not just think about that, did I?

"You do," Hanni insists, and when Minji shifts her eyes back to Hanni, she's out of her seat and walking toward Minji with purpose. Here we go. She slides in beside Minji, brandishing her phone at Minji's face. "See?"

Of course, Minji thinks, squinting at the screen. Hanni would have a photo. She always does. "I look ridiculous here. Delete this."

"No," says Hanni, sticking her tongue out at her and snatching her phone back playfully. "You look priceless."


"I know we had this sort of social media ceasefire, but can this just—"


Hanni pouts at her, perching her hand on Minji's knee warmly. "Please?" says Hanni, going in for the kill, and Minji sinks back into the couch, laughing as she curls her legs underneath her.

"Whatever you want, Hanni," she just says.

@honeyhanni : Someone tell @minjibear to unplug – we're at the beach! pic.twitter.com/kH5bF7lgJm


Hanni likes disappearing in between takes; it's what gets the both of them in trouble mostly, and far too many times the director has to send out production assistants to find them.

Their most successful attempt has them holing up in a hut at the far end of the beach – Hanni says one of the girls at the hotel bar had told her about it, and at first, Minji was reluctant to stray so far from their hotel, but in the face of Hanni's insistence, it's not like she has much of a choice.

Not like she's about to allow Hanni to stray on her own.

"I told you this was a good idea," says Hanni, pulling Minji into the hut after her. Inside, there is a wooden bed pushed against the huge window overlooking the beach. Hanni climbs onto it carefully and stares out. "The life."

Minji squints at the sight. The view is gorgeous and the warm sun is making her dizzy and drowsy. Well, she just thinks, sitting at the other edge of the bed. Hanni isn't wrong.

They spend the afternoon filling the silence with idle talk, and Minji knows exactly what she's doing – she's avoiding having to think about tomorrow's big scene, which involves their characters being intimate on the shore, and mostly Minji's surprised that Hanni is worried in the first place.

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