Chapter 1: Mushy Stuff

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Lovino Vargas was anything but pleased at the news. His younger brother Feliciano just had to take this spring as his to spend with their older half-brother Antonio who lived in Spain. He just had to leave his big brother to fend for himself. He just had to appoint that potato head Ludwig Beilshmidt to make sure Lovino didn't get himself in trouble he couldn't bail himself out of. I mean, Lovino's an independent grownup. He can take care of himself, right?

Well, apparently not. Poor Lovino. If it hadn't been for his being so dependent on others, he could hold down the fort while his brother is away, no problem. But that darn dependence always crept up on him any time he was left alone for more than fifteen minutes.

The whole airport scene was kinda depressing. The brothers hugged one last time before summer would reunite them, and off Feliciano went. Lovino sheepishly made an attempt to wave goodbye to his brother as he watched the younger run off into the crowd of people standing in line to go to Spain.

Just as Lovi could feel a big knot build up inside his throat that indicated that the waterworks were imminent, he felt his free hand become occupied by another. He looked down at it, his face acquiring a slight crimson tinge. He shifted his gaze upwards to look at Ludwig's face. Once his sky blue eyes met Lovi's green ones, it dawned on them that they were actually holding hands. They both blushed at this, Lovino a bit more so than Ludwig.

Lovino's face turned sour suddenly as he snatched his hand back from Ludwig's grasp. "What're you doing?!" the Italian demanded.

"...Just trying to lighten the mood a little," Ludwig gave Lovino a confused look. "I just thought it was a sensitive situation, that's all, so I decided to try and soothe it."

"Y-yeah, well, save all that mushy stuff for when we get home. C'mon, let's go."

And off they went.

They were about halfway to the house (it was only a short distance from there to the airport) when a cluster of dark clouds rolled in. They settled above the two for a brief moment before unloading their cargos of rain.

Great. Just what I need, thought Lovino. But he barely had much time to think even that before he felt a large arm crawl over his shoulders. He looked up and realized Ludwig had taken off his coat and draped it over them like a tarp. A very poor one at that, though.

"Well, don't just stand there," scolded Ludwig. "Help me hold this thing or the wind'll take it!"

Lovino blushed a bit once more but didn't hesitate to help. They barely managed to get back to the house without getting drenched from head to toe. However, if it had not been for the whipping winds battering them hither and thither, they wouldn't have, at one point, almost lost Ludwig's coat in the road. That little scene was what really got them as wet as they were when they reached the house.

"Phew!" Lovino sighed in relief when they scrambled through the door. "Glad we made it out of that alive!"

"I concur," Ludwig agreed. "Well, there's no use standing around here in wet clothes waiting to catch cold. Take 'em off."

Lovino's face turned as red as a tomato. "E-excuse m-m-me?" he managed to utter.

"Oh, c'mon, you big baby. We're both men here. It's not like we have different parts." The German rolled his eyes. "Besides, I highly doubt we're soaked all the way down to the unmentionables."

"Yeah, but..."

"Nein, I don't want to hear any 'yeah but's. Now are you going to take them off or am I going to have to do it myself?"

"N-no! Perv! I can get it myself!"

"Fine, then. Have it your way."

Even if what Ludwig said was correct, it was still as awkward as all hell. Every now and again, one would catch the other staring at them while they stripped down (As an added note, Lovino would do this more often than Ludwig would.). As soon as all of the wet clothes had been shed, they both bolted for the stairs and scrambled to get themselves up. Once they finally got up, Lovino took off in the direction his room was and Ludwig took off in the direction the guest bedroom was (he had spare clothes over there since he visited so much). In a matter of minutes, they were both changed into dry, comfortable clothes.

However, this did not break the awkwardness between them. They both had the same idea on how to break it:

"Want to see if there's a good movie on TV?"

"Si. Funny you should ask, I was thinking the same thing."

But sadly there weren't many good movies on. Only bad horror films and cheesy chick-flicks. To pour salt on the wound, the rain outside had turned into a terrible thunderstorm.

Now, for those of you who would like some trivial information about Lovino Vargas, here's a factoid for you: He is terrified of thunderstorms. You know how some people are afraid of just the thunder and not the lightning? Well, that isnt tthe case for poor, unfortunate Lovino. He doesn't like any of it. No, not one bit.

Once they did find a good movie, this movie just happening to be the first Johnny English movie (the good one), it was high time for the end of the movie anyway. It was just at the part where Johnny is trying to dethrone the French dude before he even becomes king. Right before Johnny forces one of the archbishops to moon the audience, the power went out. A thick blanket of darkness covered every space in the house, save for the dim light that glowed through the windows.

This made Lovino freak out. He didn't do anything too destructive; he only bumped his shins on the coffee table in a frantic attempt to get up. He then finally broke down in hysterics and sat back down on the couch, screaming/crying/poorly singing in Italian "The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow" from the hit musical Annie.

Oh, for crying out loud, he's worse than his little brother... thought Ludwig. Then a little lightbulb went off in the German's head. He got up, pulled a pair of chairs out from under the dining room table, and dragged them over so that they were facing the one of the windows. He then walked back over to the couch and yanked off the blanket from the back of it. Once he had acquired the blanket, he walked back over to the chairs and sat down in one, turned around, and signalled for Lovino to sit next to him in the other seat. The Italian did so, and Ludwig draped the blanket over their shoulders.

"I used to be scared of thunderstorms too," he whispered. "But I've been taught a little trick that helps one overcome that fear."

Lovi's face glowed bright red when Ludwig put his arm around him again. "Wha-wha-what are you doing...?" Lovi stuttered.

"Grow up," scolded Ludwig. "This is for your own good any-"

He didn't have time to even finish his sentence before a white, hot streak of lightning cracked the crying sky, followed by a massive thunder clap. Lovino yelped and quickly burried his face into Ludwig's chest.

"Nein, you're doing it wrong," Ludwig scolded again. "You have to look at it. If you keep shielding or hiding yourself from it, it'll only grow stronger. Now do you want to get over this fear or not?"

Lovino looked up at him, tears flowing profusely from his swollen eyes. "B-b-but..."

"No buts. You have to watch it happen. Otherwise you'll never get over your fear."

"*sniff* F-fine..."

And with that, Lovino turned his head to face the outside world that beckoned him through the window. Just as he did, another lightning bolt, this one with a thicker stem and with more stray limbs growing from its branches, rocketed across the dark sky. Accompanying this soon afterwards, another even louder clap of thunder rushed through their eardrums. The Italian winced just slightly, but the turned to his German comrade with an almost-smile.

"...Heh... hey, th-that was..."

Ludwig saw that he was making good progress. After a while of this, Lovino became unfazed by the thunder and lightning. Eventually, he became bored of this due to sleepiness creeping up on him, and found himself nodding off. He rested his head on Ludwig's shoulder and was fast asleep in a heartbeat. Neither of them minded much, though. In a matter of minutes, they were both in deep slumber.

~To Be Continued~

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