Chapter 4: Agatha

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 It seemed like fate was on Agatha's side, because she fainted long before the torture started. When she woke again, she was in a dirty, cracked dungeon, curled up into a ball on the floor. But the thing was... she wasn't in a dungeon. She was in a cage.

Agatha bolted up with a start, dread bubbling in her stomach. She gripped the iron bars of the small space she was kept in, and the motion caused the cage to rock back and forth like a swing. "Oops," she muttered under her breath, steadying the cage again. Then she looked down—

—and gasped.

Because there, below her cage, was a pool filled with gurgling, red-hot lava.

"One more move and you're done," said a cool voice behind her. "So you'd best not make another one."

Agatha spun around, brown eyes flaring wide.

The young, frost-haired School Master met her gaze, a satisfied smile creeping up his lips. His arms were wrapped around Sophie's waist, and she leaned into him, a smirk lifting the corners of her mouth. Sophie's ring sparkled in the dim light, taunting Agatha. 

"So we meet again," the School Master said icily. Sophie grinned. 

Agatha's fists gripped the bars, her eyes shining with tears. "You monster! Wasn't killing Tedros enough for you?"

The School Master smiled. "I'm not the monster, Aggie. Just ask Sophie. She's the one that did this."

"Now you're blaming this on Sophie!" Agatha spat, hate-filled eyes locking onto Sophie's prince. "You manipulated her! Made her like this! Made her Evil!"

The School Master blinked. "Oh, Agatha, you've got this all wrong. Sophie was Evil from the very beginning. She came back to me because, well, Evil people can't be made Good, even though you still tried to make her Good. Isn't that right?"

Agatha gaped at him, speechless. "I—"

"Yes," the School Master continued, "it's right. I foresaw all this already. I took Sophie as my bride because I saw the Evil she had within her. Saw the potential she possessed. Which is why I sacrificed my sons, those wretched Saders, and my brother." His sky-colored eyes gleamed with emotion. "It was worth it. It was for Sophie."

Agatha resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "That's just twisted."

"Not as twisted as your and Tedros's story," the School Master answered coldly. "You left him to die at his Trial. I think that's pretty twisted, isn't it?"

Agatha's face flushed bright red. "That's not true!" But she knew it was, and so did Sophie's prince. Even as much as she hated admitting it, she had run away without even turning a backwards glance at Tedros like a coward.

Like her best friend had run away from her.

She met Sophie's emerald-green gaze defiantly, who was now clinging to the School Master's arm even tighter. "You traitor! You liar! You cheat! You—"

"Or maybe you're just bitter that you couldn't have your Ever After," Sophie replied smoothly, placing a soft kiss on Rafal's lips. "Well, fear not, dear sister." Sophie sneered. "Soon you'll be able to reunite with your precious Tedros soon enough."

With an icy laugh, she sauntered away with her husband.

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