Fought a Dragon, an Assassin, a Torture Expert, and a Swordsman

Start from the beginning

Perhaps they were right, he was a monster. 

“I'm Kim Rok Soo, that angel laying on the ground is Cale Henituse, we're friends.” Rok Soo took out a potion before introducing himself. Highest grade potions were valuable and cost a lot to purchase. Something that he learned in the prison was that they'd heal him with a potion like that and then would whip him again. 

He poured about half of the potion onto the dragon’s back, and poured the rest into his mouth. The black dragon did not resist and swallowed it down, instantly all his injures disappeared and he was perfectly healed. 

After exchanging a few words, they heard angel complain from not so far away. Two kittens surrounding the angel and circling around him, meowing.

“Sir, I'm tired of laying down. Can you lend a hand?” 

“No. Stand up for yourself.” 

“Oh, come on! I did all the physical work while you just stood there bossing me around and this is the treatment I get for it!?”

The black-haired human shook his head. Even though he had clearly refused, the human left him on the ground and helped angel sit up, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. 

How strange.

He turned his back with no regrets, and they started to walk away from him. The kittens, who hesitated for a moment, saw the dragon turn his gaze away from them before following behind. 


The day continues on, sun rising from the east replacing the previously night sky that keeps setting him on edge. The hush whispers of the forest didn't feel right, almost too quiet, they cautiously searched around their surroundings. 

“Meow...” Silver hopped on top of the older guy's head. 

The forest is humid, atmosphere strange and definitely eerie— in a split-second, Cale was quick to sense something was wrong. Cale took a hold of Kim Rok Soo's wrist and dragged him wherever his feet led them. As long as they were far away from the danger, and yet danger soon followed after them. 

A dagger sliced through the air— (it did not miss), calculated just right and accurate enough to cut through the young master's head that was fortunate enough to slice only his cheek. 

Not too deep, just enough to leave a scar. 

Cale lets go of Kim Rok Soo's arm and they split into two directions. The red kitten went running along with Kim Rok Soo while the silver kitten swiftly hopped down his head and chased after Cale. Thick fog started to appear out of nowhere and Cale ran farther into it before disappearing like a chameleon. 

Kim Rok Soo blinked twice before patting his own head, “Wait, where's—” 

He turns around and he could see the silver kitten running after the young master in godly speed. 


Two figures went into the fog and Kim Rok Soo clearly saw who they were, but wondered what they could possibly want from Cale. Seriously, the cloak he lent to Cale was merely a disguise yet they're so hellbent on killing every last one. 

What would happen to Cale now? 

“AH SHIT!!!” He cursed in Korean before tumbling down a hill. Sometimes he hated thinking while taking action, he hated it now that he was conscious and bruised on every part of his body. 

He hated it even more now that he was in pain. 


Meanwhile on the westside of the forest, Cale hesitantly put a hand on one of the trees. He had been exhausted after fighting with that black dragon from the dead of night till dawn, and currently he has to deal with these people who Cale had no idea what they wanted. 

He turns. 


And then he flees, hurriedly. Cale curses as the sword almost beheaded him. He dodges another dagger to the point of slipping on a puddle but he was quick on his feet. Cale hastily got up and ran, he felt his breath hitching when he runs into one of them, he turns around and there was another one behind him. Holy shit. What the fuck. What the fuck!

“How pathetic.” One says, venom in his tone.

Subconsciously, Cale rolled his eyes at them. 

“You're pretty agile, but you lack strength. How come you survived up until now?” 

“Perhaps he sacrificed a handful of his comrades.”

Okay. That is not true. Where are their assumptions coming from? 

Cale stopped running from them, the three quickly headed towards him. Thankfully, he knows how to dodge but that means moving around again. He lifts his hands towards them, “Stay away!”

Swish-! Boom!

Swish-! Bang!

Bolts of lightning forms on the palms of his hands to counterattack the blades that were about to hit him. The feeling of sensation burned his hands and his expression pained and exhausted, he channelled his remaining strength and formed a big blob of electricity circling around him like a bubble. 

His body felt weak after running and dodging through the whole mountain for hours that he felt like he lost an abundant of weight, and he also didn't have any strength left.

His body suddenly dropped down and instead of landing on the ground, Cale felt himself float inside his homemade bubble. 

He was wary and his heart felt heavy from anxiety that he might pop the bubble if he wasn't careful enough and die in the hands of these motherfuckers. 

His reddish-brown eyes travelled to one of the hooded figures and saw them trying to say something to him. Cale couldn't hear anything inside. 

If Cale had more strength, he would've raised his middle finger at them to leave an offending gesture. As it was, his remaining strength had been long gone and Cale finally let himself faint in front of them.



Ron lifts his dagger to tap the bubble, out of curiosity, no doubt— a shock flows through his body and he pulls away. “Ho! How interesting.” 


“What is it?” He asked briefly, taking a glance at his son and the swordsman who started to walk away from the thing, seemingly their rage from before faded after a few minutes.

“Let's go.” 


Should I give Cale a weapon? lol
Since he hurts his hands from electricity, or should i just give him anti-electricity gloves?

If not gloves, what kind of weapon do you think Cale would use? My friend suggested a Grim Reaper Scythe or a spear, but I want to hear about your suggestions!

Title: Fought a Dragon, an Assassin, a Torture Expert, and a Swordsman. (Doesn't fight the other three lmao, basically runs away from them.)

I won't be updating for a while because I'll going on a vacation! It might last for a week or so, and this chapter was really rushed! thank you for reading it anyway! ⊂(・▽・⊂)

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