Isabelle's Childhood

Start from the beginning

"Uh, Isabelle." The guy said. "My name is Brayden, you borrowed my notes from class." Brayden said

Isabelle continues to stare at him.

"I was wondering if I could have them back." Brayden said nervously.

Isabelle gives him a scary look.

"Oh god, I'm sorry." Brayden said shakily before running away.

"Thanks, Brayden." Isabelle said as she took a sip of drink.

(End of Isabelle's Childhood Part 2)

"Who was that?" Rebekah asked

"That was my daughter." Klaus said sadly

(Isabelle's Childhood Part 3)

Carlos and Isabelle were outside of class.

"Failing Spanish is hard work." Isabelle said

"How is failing Spanish hard work?" Carlos asked

"Everyday I show up so I'll know he notices me, then I forget my textbook so we'd both have to share, and finally I let the teacher catch notes so she keeps us both after class." Isabelle said

"That is hard work," Carlos said, "You must be exhausted."

"That's why I sleep during history." Isabelle said

(End of Isabelle's Childhood Part 3)

(Isabelle's Childhood Part 4)

Iris was walking down the hall with Carlos when he saw a boy approach Isabelle by her locker. She quickly pulled Carlos's arm and dragged him behind a wall so they could hide and watch. The boy glanced back at Iris, who quickly gave him a thumbs up and motioned for him to go up to her.

Here we go, here we go!" She giggled excitedly, her eyes trained on the two.

Carlos's eyes widened. "Wait... Did you actually pay him to ask Isabelle out?!" He gasped in shock.

"A lotta money," Cory nodded

"Hey," The boy smiled before he gulped at the glare Isabelle turned to him with, "Oh. My name's Gilbert."

She arched her brow. "So?"

"Oh, my God," Gilbert felt his heart pounding and sweat starting to form on his forehead.

"Stay with it, Gilbert," Iris demanded

"I... I really like your shoes," He managed to stutter out.

"I hate these shoes," Isabelle deadpanned, "They're ugly and they hurt my feet."

His brows furrowed in confusion. "Well, then why do you wear them?"

"Because I like to punish myself," She smirked, knowing she was freaking him out.

He gulped dryly and tried his best to muster up a smile. "Well, I-I think you look really nice today."

"Oh," She scoffed, "So yesterday I looked gross?"

"No, not at all, I just... Just..." His breathing picked up nervously

"That I usually look disgusting but today I got lucky?" She guessed angrily as she took a step towards him making him shuffle back frantically.

Gilbert froze, his face going pale as a sheet. "Oh, forget it!" He cried turning to Iris, who immediately tried to hide from Isabelle's gaze, "I'm not asking her out! You can keep your money!"

Iris quickly rushed into the middle of the hallway, River following him. "Wait! Gilbert! Don't you run away like a coward!" He yelled after him angrily.

"Coward!" Carlos yelled angrily

Isabelle's jaw clenched. "You... paid a guy to ask me out?" She bit out, seething with rage.

Iris's eyes widened, finally seeming to realize she'd been found out. "Run away!" She yelped.

Carlos and Iris quickly ran away as Iris threw her bag and began chasing them.

(End of Isabelle's Childhood Part 4)

"I like her." Kol said smiling, "She reminds me of me."

"Oh please don't let there be another Kol, I can barely take care of this one." Davina said

"We can continue tomorrow because right now Hope looks exhausted." Freya said

Everyone turns to see Hope asleep on the couch.

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