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March 4th 2008

In the dimly lit bowels of a hidden Hydra facility, a stifling atmosphere hung heavy, suffocating any glimmer of hope. Astrid Sørensen, a young girl of only nine, sat in the corner of her cell awaiting. 

She hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, which hadn't come as a shocker. The cells were designed for efficiency, not comfort.

The room was sparse, furnished with nothing more than a narrow cot, a rusted sink, and a rudimentary toilet. There were no pictures, no toys, no comforts of any kind. The walls were bare and painted a dull shade of gray, with no windows to fill the room with natural light.

The soft hum of the facility's machinery provided an eerie backdrop to the chaos that had erupted beyond her confines. 

Footsteps echoed down the dimly lit corridor, signaling the approach of Hydra operatives. 

Astrid's breath hitched, and her eyes darted to the faint crack of light peeking through the gaps in her cell door. Each passing second brought her closer to another round of agonizing examinations.

The little girl wiped away a tear that had unheedingly shed. 

There were clicking of locks, and the rough opening of her cell door. The soldiers strutted in, roughly grabbing her under their weight. They commanded for her to walk along side them, and she obliged.

This time, she allowed her tears to run.

The cold, sterile hallways seemed to stretch on infinitely. The fluorescent lights flickered, casting eerie shadows onto the chipped walls. The oppressive air weighed heavily on Astrid's frail shoulders, bearing down on her like an invisible burden.

She'd studied the layout of the base from top to bottom. Two rights, one left, one right and then three lefts. That's how far the labs were from her holding cell.

She had learned to dread these routes, knowing that each one brought a new wave of torment.

Upon entering the main lab, the guards that had accompanied her, nudged her forcefully into the room. Stood like statues awaiting their next orders.

"You are dismissed."  A man, no older than 45, no younger than 38, stood beside the cabinet on the far end of the room. Astrid had recognized him as Dr. Stoica. He was the mastermind behind the Avatar project, working alongside Mr. Pierce on the program.

The guards simply nodded, leaving in a well structured manner.

"Come, take a seat. We better get started." Dr. Stoica pointed towards the thin metal table sat centred in the room.

The very air seemed saturated with suffering, the pungent scent of chemicals seeping through every pore. The acrid smell stung Astrid's nose, leaving a frown upon her face.

Pulling herself up onto the higher set surface, Astrid watched as Stoica got his computers and tools ready.

She wanted to scream and shout. To throw a tantrum, and kick and scream until she felt safe again. But she knew the consequences would be dire, so, she clung to the remnants of her strength and faced it internally.

Her shirt, was lifted ever so slightly. Dr Stoica had attached the heart monitor to her. Astrid flinched at the sudden touch of cold on her chest.

"This'll be a quick one. You oughtta be grateful." Dr Stoica attempted a chuckle which, unfortunately, came out to be more hostile than comforting.

Unlike the other Hydra personnel, Dr. Stoica didn't raise his voice or resort to physical aggression. His methods were calculated and clinical, heightening the psychological torment. He spoke with a detached calmness that sent shivers down Astrid's spine, as if her pain and suffering were merely data points on a chart to him.

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