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It was pretty late at night and I started craving some sort of snack

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It was pretty late at night and I started craving some sort of snack. So I carefully lifted myself off the mattress trying my best not to wake a very tired Dina next to me. Her hair was perfectly placed all over the pillow. She looked sort of, graceful? I mean she always did. Jesse on the other hand was the complete opposite. He was fast asleep on the floor with drool practically spilling out his mouth, snoring quite loud. I'm surprised he didn't wake me sooner.

They all just decided to sleep in the spare room tonight that jesses' mum thankfully offered for me to sleep in because I needed my space away from Joel until I'm slightly over what happened. But I don't think I'll ever will be completely "over it" I never wanna see him again, what he did was unforgivable. I could have saved so many lives and her ripped that away from me, It wasn't his decision to make.

However I know I can't stay here forever. Jesses' parents loved me of course but I feel like an intruder if I stay for too long.

I try exiting the door quietly but it let out a slight creek. My shoulders rise up and I tense in fear that I might have woke anyone up. I slowly look behind to see if any of them had heard me due to the noise, but thankfully Dina just twitched a little and turned her body to the other side of the wall. I drop my shoulders in relief and start to tip toe down the stairs hopefully not awaking anyone sleeping in the house. Luckily, I made it to the kitchen without anyone realising. I start pouring some cereal that Jesses mum would make herself, into a bowl but I can't tell how much I poured for it was practically pitch black in the kitchen.

A couple of seconds pass and I suddenly hear a slight noise coming from the other room I stop pouring the cereal to see who it was. Ugh, I couldn't make out who the figure could be due to the dark lighting but they seemed to be walking to the fridge. Did they not notice me standing there? As they open the fridge door I knew exactly who it was, it was Izzy. She was wearing a white cropped t-shirt that was slightly off the shoulders revealing the strap to her black laced bra and white shorts that looked perfect on her figure. She had her walkman on so that's probably why she hadn't taken notice of me yet. She was mouthing along to some sort of lyrics whilst looking through the options in the fridge but I can't tell which song it is. Without hesitation I start walking to the door of the fridge. I decided to mess with her.

It was around 2:40 in the morning now and I couldn't sleep

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It was around 2:40 in the morning now and I couldn't sleep. I was also getting quite hungry and wanted something to snack on seeming I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. So, I made my way down to the kitchen with my Walkman on full blast. As I'm looking in the fridge for anything I notice I don't take any interest to all the options, so I shut it lightly revealing a very tall figure from behind the door.

I let out a loud squeak as my heart stopped for a minute and then started beating again.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" I hear in a very sarcastic tone coming from the person in front of me, it was Ellie. I couldn't see her face but I knew there was a cocky smirk staring to grow due to my reaction.

I huff, "No. I just didn't expect you to be there. That's all." She definitely did startle me but I lied anyways. I'm not giving her that satisfaction.

"Okay, whatever you say Iz." Iz. God I hated that nickname and she knew it. She liked the fact it was easy for her to get under my skin, she found it amusing.

I make a slight frown and furrow my eyebrows "I told you not to call me that, it's Izzy." I hear her let out a small and quiet laugh under her breath from my sharp reply.

"Ok, well pass me the milk out the fridge will you, Izzy?" She purposely dragged out my name at the end to make sure I heard her correctly.

I let out a simple nod and re open the fridge to grab the milk and pass it to her. I forget to shut the door to the fridge and instead I find myself watching her hands pouring the milk into the bowl. She had her hair in her usual half up-half down look yet this time it was more messy. She was also wearing a black shirt that went down to her thighs and what seemed to be my brothers sweat pants. She looked good, she always looked good.

Once she was done her eyes met mine and she passed me the milk back, as I went to take it from she didn't let go. She kept a stern grip on the glass along with her eyes on mine. I was confused but then I realised her outer lips beginning to rise up, I was fed up with her shit and snatched it out of her hands leaving her mouth in a slight o shape.

"Uh, rude" she rolls her eyes sarcastically and takes a spoonful of cereal into her mouth and a bit of milk runs down her chin, I wanted to wipe it off myself, but I hold myself back. She realises then lifts her own thumb and swipes it over where the wet spot is.

Then she opens her mouth up again "Well I'm going to sleep darling , goodnight" the brown auburn haired girl said, winking at me and then quietly walking towards the stairs.

"Night." I reply with a fake grin on my face and squinting my eyes. Without even realising what she called me until she had fully walked upstairs.

Darling? Now that one was new. She had never called me that before. My cheeks start burning up again and a knot in my stomach starts to form. I wasn't completely against that nickname, but she probably meant nothing by it. So, I quickly pushed all the thoughts away and pulled myself back down to earth. I turned around, close the fridge door and take myself back up to my bedroom. I didn't end up getting to sleep that night.

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