The Engagement Party

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Ella waved to Kava and he smiled. Nobody was paying attention to their little silent talk.

King Vasil got up, raising his cup. Relative silence befell the room, some people too drunk to be quiet. He didn't mind. He was clearly in a good mood.

"I know, I know, the speeches are supposed to be after the feast." He waved his hand, his tone light. "Nobody wants to listen to a speech when they're stuffing themselves with food."

A few chuckles resounded in the room.

"I just wanted to make a toast for our esteemed guests. They have brought much life into this palace." Vasil raised his goblet. "To Tundrians!"

Everybody raised their cups. Kava followed as well, much less enthusiastically. He rolled the eyes at honorifics. The wild king smiled at Vasil, presenting his cup.

"I must say, I am very glad my daughter will have such a strong Lord Husband. I'm sure she is just as delighted for a powerful partner."

Ella smiled gently to the crowd, but most importantly to Kava.

"Ah, I remember when I married Petunia. We were both very young, but our marriage stood strong. This will be the case for our children as well. Your son, Savi'ka'em, and my daughter will have a bountiful life. With such a powerful man by my daughter's side I will never be anxious about the peace between our countries."

Savi and Kava furrowed their brows. The tundrians moved uneasily, some murmurs starting among them. Kava leaned to his father, asking about something quietly.

Vasil didn't notice anything, continuing his talk.

"Yes... A strong man is the base of a good family. Soon enough there will be many offsprings running around the palace. My daughter will be happy with your son, I can guarantee."

Talks among tundrians became a little louder. Now King Savi was frowning as well, explaining something to Kava. Ella tilted her head, confused.

"With a steady hand like that, your son will be able to keep a good household, let me tell you. Back in my days..."

King Savi'ka'em cleared his throat loudly to interrupt him. Vasil closed his mouth, expecting a speech from the other king.

"I think there has been a misunderstanding, King Vasil." He said loudly. The talks stilled in the room, everybody paying attention to the wolf king. "In our exchanged letters you asked for my firstborn to marry your daughter. I agreed, so I brought Kave'le'aha with me. Kave'le'aha is my firstborn. My firstborn and my only daughter."

Ella's mouth opened in surprise as she regarded Kava, who seemed mostly confused about the interaction along with all of the tundrians. Now the Brivish part of the engagement party started whispering, unrest rising. That made tundrians more tense. Ella could only stare at the man— woman in question.

"Kava is... a woman?" She breathed out, her eyes wide. Kava seemed to hear her, tilting her head with a frown.

"Haha... King Savi'ka'em, you surely must be joking." King Vasil laughed uneasily, trying to cover up. "I asked for your successor. Your firstborn."

"That's exactly who I offer." Savi gestured towards Kava at his side. "Kava was born first, and she's next in line for the Great Tundra throne. As we promised."

"But... she's a woman!"

"Is that a problem?" Kava spoke up for the first time in public, standing up.

Her posture was imposing, her voice full of restrained rage. Dia pulled at her sleeve to make her sit down. Ella had thought her voice was not as deep as she had expected, which would make sense if she was a woman. It was a higher voice for a man, but a lower one for a woman. It fit. Ella just hadn't thought of it that way before. She put a hand on her mouth in shock. She had kissed a woman. She loved a woman.

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