Jake ; Ironsplinter Mine

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Fog settled over the canopy of trees that lined the outskirts of Duskwood, the full moon elevated greatly above the horizon. Rain drops coated the windshield as the storm raged outside, a quiet chill in the air the closer she drove to her destination, heart in her throat. Guilt consumed the girl, knowing damn well that the others were in danger due to her negligence. If she had been more careful, her friends would still be safe. If something were to happen to them...

It would be all her fault. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself.

"Shit..." She whispered quietly, eyes focused on the road before her.

It wasn't long until she arrived at the Ironsplinter Mine, pulling into the visitor lot and turning the engine off. Leaning back into her seat, the girl took a few moments to organize her chaotic thoughts, afraid of the unknown. After some time, she reached across the center console towards the glove box where she pulled out a flashlight.

The rain drops pelted aggressively against the windshield, only slightly soothing the nerves she had. Stormy weather was always comforting to her but tonight felt different. The weight of this investigation rested heavily on her shoulders, wanting nothing more than to bring an end to everything and assure Hannah's safety. Attempting to steady her racing heart, the girl closed her eyes for a moment, her mind settling on one person.


He was in there.. Somewhere. With Alan. Oh no.

Panic churned within her, knowing she had to act now before the situation got out of control. Tugging the hoodie over her head, the girl stepped out into the chilly night, rain absorbing into the material almost immediately. Holding the flashlight in one hand, she took off towards the woods in a sprint, keeping a close eye on her footing to avoid any broken tree branches or slippery rocks. After what felt like minutes, her phone rang with an incoming video call, scaring the hell out of her. Scrambling to pull the device free from her pocket, she exhaled a sigh of relief when the screen displayed Alan's contact information.

The storm overhead ignited the sky with lightning, thunder following quickly behind as she answered the call, eyes concentrated on the screen. The screen was lagging a bit, the weather and Alan's location impacting the connection. Through the raindrops and the pixelated image, something glistened in the frame, catching her eye almost immediately.

A gun.

"Alan! Please put the gun down." The man didn't respond, assuming it was due to the poor connection. "Alan!" The girl raised the phone closer to her lips, hands trembling slightly.

"Please tell me you can hear me!" Warm tears began to fill her eyes, stomach churning with anxiety and fear for Jake's safety. "No.. no no.. listen to me! Alan, my – my friend is in there! Don't hurt him. Put the gun away in case –"

The call was dropped before she could finish her sentence, staring at a dark screen. Her face contorted with anguish as she began to cry, feeling her chest tighten. The girl brought her hands to her face, feeling the start of a panic attack when she heard it.

"Y/N?" A voice called out from behind her, barely audible over the storm that raged overhead.

Her head snapped up, spinning around to see the source of the voice, recognizing the boy from a close distance. Pale skin. Black clothes. Baby blue eyes. Rain water mixed with her tears, wiping her cheek with her sleeve, gazing at the boy.

"Jake?" Realization dawned on her face, running towards him and closing the distance. He was just a bit taller than her, burying her face into his chest as his arms circled protectively around her. "I thought –"

"I know. I found a different way out and that's when I got all your messages." He responded, leaning down to press his lips to the top of her head, hands comfortingly rubbing her back. "I'm here now. Hannah's in good hands with him."

She nodded her head, shivering slightly as the adrenaline wore off, absorbing the little heat that radiated off his body. "Let's get warmed up in my car. I don't want you getting sick."

Without waiting for a response, her small hand settled in his, lacing their fingers together as she led him to her car, settling in. The girl pushed her hood off, hair tangled and wet as she turned the engine on, turning the heat up. Jake settled into the passenger seat, slipping his hoodie off. His dark locks were dripping, leaving trails along his cheek.

As delicate as she could, the girl wiped the runaway droplet from his cheek, eyes skimming his familiar features. It felt like she knew him for a long time, the tension between them building as his eyes flickered down to her lips.

"Didn't expect our first meeting to go like this." He teased lightheartedly, watching her eyes twinkle with joy, leaning her head against the seat as she smiled.

"How'd you picture it? Was Chinese food involved?" His smile was enough of a giveaway, sitting up straighter as she laughed. "It was!" Her eyes twinkled, the dashboard illuminating their features as she took a deep breath.

"... I don't want to say goodbye, Jake." She whispered, brows furrowing as she delicately ran a finger through his curls. "Not again. Not after your last text."

I love you.

Those three words played through her head, gazing into one another's eyes. His blue eyes softened, his emotions conveyed in a simple look. It only made it more difficult.

"I'm right here, Y/N." Jake whispered softly, his fingers reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, index finger trailing down towards her jawline as if trying to memorize every angle and curve of the girl he loved.

"Yeah.. but for how long?" She leaned into his touch, lips brushing against his inner palm, not breaking eye contact as she placed a gentle kiss to his skin. Jake felt his shoulders relax, unable to give her a response.

Gliding his hand down, the boy grasped her chin gently with his index finger and thumb, the two leaning closer as if pulled by an invisible force. When their lips met, every fear and worry melted away, savoring the taste of his lips for the first time. She deepened the kiss, portraying everything she felt for Jake in this single moment.

Breaking the kiss with a soft smack of their lips, he leaned his forehead against hers. A smile formed on his lips as her nose brushed his affectionately, catching their breath quietly.

Pulling away slightly, she began to speak, orbs soft as they found his. "We can leave it all behind right now. You and me. Just give me the word and I can have us out of Duskwood in the next half hour." Her hand settled over his that rested on the center console, Jake turning his hand over so their fingers could lace.

"You deserve more out of life than to be on the run. I won't subject you to that." His thumb brushed against her hand, watching the determination shift in her gaze.

She shook her head, reaching up to cup his cheeks before delivering a soft kiss to his lips, the contact lingering as her heart hammered against her ribcage. Pulling away, she leaned her forehead against his as she whispered, "But I'd be happy with you, Jake."

"Y/N.." He tried to protest, fighting every instinct that screamed to hold her and never let go. He couldn't let his heart win this fight; listening to the logical side of his brain. "I want nothing more than to leave this all behind. You've seen what a life with me can look like. If you want to be with me then we'll find a way."

Her face grew warm at his sentiment, feeling her heart melt. "We will, Jake." Her eyes skimmed his blue eyes in the dim light, leaning forward to kiss him again, unable to hide her smile when he returned the kiss more eagerly. She was determined to wait out the storm with him, spending the rest of the hour talking about anything that came to mind, feeling hopeful for the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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