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I barely got a couple hours of sleep las night and I could feel it in my heavy eyelids. April is gonna get out of hospital today and I'm glad she didn't have to stay more.

"Hey, Ava. Can I ask you something?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Looking to my left, I've met Zack's concerned expression.

"Sure" I answered taken by surprise

"Is everything okay? I've noticed you weren't in school yesterday at all and I just wanted to be sure"

I've always had some kind of appreciation for his kind soul. He's the most mature person of our age that I know and he's also the wisest.

"I'm fine, but my sister was taken to the hospital and I had to be there. Thanks for asking" I gave him a little smile

"I'm really sorry. Is she okay now?"

"Yeah. She'll probably be back home by the time I arrive there"

He just nodded then moved his attention back to the teacher

~time skip~

The school day is finally over and I'm now going to the lovely green car that's been waiting for me.

Zack didn't say anything for the rest of the day which didn't shock me. I've noticed the three of them have a heated conversation during the lunch break but I didn't pay attention to the subject. It wasn't my business anyway.

Once I get to my car, I put my bag in the backseat then I try to open the driver's door. Before I get to do it, I hear my name being called.

"Ava, wait!"

Looking behind, I notice Victoria's figure running in the distance. When she got next to me, she took a second to catch her breath, then she looked up at me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked confused

Now she was nervously playing with her hands, avoiding eye contact.

"I want...piece. I'm sorry for talking bad about Billie. I'm aware that Ray isn't perfect either and I should have told him that." She was looking down the whole time.

Her apology took me by surprise to be honest. She's not the kind of person to apologise and that made me appreciate it even more.

It made me feel guilty. Is this really what I wanted? I don't feel better. After yesterday's conversation with my dad I realised Ray cared about his girlfriend just like dad cared about April and I.

"It's okay. You are right, we've been mad enough. I want to apologise too. I think I went a bit too far with this argument. I should have understood you since the beginning"

She finally looked at me and we smiled at each other.

"Friends?" She opened her arms for a hug. I just took her in my embrace and held her tight.

"Always" I said while we were hugging.

"I didn't get to tell you that I love your car bitch. Is it yours?" She said after the hug

"Not really. It's Noah's, but my aunt said I can use it"

"Dope" she said then turned around, hinting that she has to leave

"Vic" she turned her attention back to me

"Do you have a ride back home?"

"I'm taking the bus"

"Wanna come?" I asked pointing towards the car

"I really started to think you wouldn't ask" she said smirking while she opened the passenger's door.

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