(I actually didn't know, what💀. Btw, she wearing it on her left arm.)

Her siblings came to the hospital too after the nurse called them "Lavender, are you okay?! The nurse told us what happened!" Mint said worried.

She look at them, her eyes lost their sparkle and look very depressed, not usually the happy face. She just stayed quite.

'It's all my fault.. '

'I should've keep my purse away..'

'Why did I cross the road without looking?'

'Why. Did. I. Chase. That. Person...'


'What was I thinking...'


The words keep repeating in her head. Black went to sit besides her "I'm sure she's gonna be alright.." Black said, calming his sister "What do you know?! You're not the one who saw her!" Lavender yelled at him, pure anger.

She realize what she just said "I... I-I" she stuttered, too stune by her words. "It's okay, I know how you're feeling right now. Just let it out." Black held his hands up to her.

She wasted no time and hug him, began crying and sobbing "It's a-all my f-fault!" Lavender said while sobbing, black stroke her back, calming her "It's not all your fault, you're fine.." Black said softly.

After a while of crying and calming, lavender felt a lot better. The doctor came with the bad news "How is she, doc?" Lavender said while getting up

"She's...... Lost a lot of blood and.. She didn't make it.." Lavender felt like she's gonna faith, she sits back down and cover her eyes as she crys again. "Its just like those years.... The same hospital where dad die.." Lavender mumble to herself.

She can't believe it, one of the person who she love was gone


'It's all your fault, it's all your fault, it's all your fault, It's All Your Fault, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!!"

"Hey, hey, hey! It's not your fault-"

"IT'S ALWAYS MY FAULT!" She run off to outside "Lav, wait!" She didn't listen and run anyway. She was outside now, sitting on the side with her legs close to her chest. Lavender's eyes were all puffy and red from crying. The door then open from the inside revealing Black.

He sits with her as well. "Hey... Are you okay? I already put Mint in the car." Black gently questions her "Can we just go home..? I don't wanna miss the... Funeral." Lavender ask, her voice crack a bit and talking very slow. Black nodded before getting up and help lav too and walks to the car.

After getting in the car, black then droves them home. After they arrived, lavender goes into the house and straight to her room, shutting the door leaving the two of her siblings worried.

~A few hours later~

It was now the time for the funeral. Black went to knock on the lavender stickfigure's door, it takes a couple of moment before it open. Lavender was wearing a black dress (cuz y'know its a funeral)and it looks like she been crying more by the tears stains "Are you ready?" Black said, unsure if lavender is okay.

"Yeah.. Let's go." Lavender and black began walking to the door as Mint follows the two.

~After the funeral~ (I can't write a funeral scene because it probably gonna be awkward.)

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