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Lucas made his way back to the lobby, his mind was still buzzing with the intensity of the semi-final match. He needed some time to recuperate and gather his thoughts before the grand finale.

Suddenly he got notification on his phone. As soon as he saw it his eyes became wide open.

Lucas received a horrifying video of his younger brother, Kayden getting heavily tortured. There were many burn marks on his body. Some of his fingers were cut out. Nails were hammered into various places. Floor was flooded with his blood. His struggle and agony was visible by scratch marks on chair where he was bound by ropes. At this point, he was totally expressionless as if he had accepted his fate and was waited for his death.

Lucas's heart sank to depths he had never known before. Rage and desperation consumed him as he listened to the villain's cruel demand: come alone to save Kayden or else he would face dire consequences.

Ignoring the exhaustion from the semi-final match, Lucas knew he had no choice but to go to the kidnapper's location alone. The weight of the responsibility to save his brother weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he embarked on the journey with a mix of determination and fear.

Upon reaching the ominous location, Lucas stepped into the dark and abandoned warehouse, haunted by the thought of what awaited him. As he moved forward, the air seemed to thicken with tension, and an eerie silence hung in the air, interrupted only by the echoes of his own footsteps.

The kidnapper's lair was a grim sight. Dimly lit and filled with the lingering stench of cruelty, it set the stage for a confrontation that would decide the fate of Kayden and the very essence of Lucas's being.

Standing in the center of the room, Lucas came face to face with the villain behind the kidnapping. The sinister figure taunted Lucas, revealing a cunning plan that had been set in motion to defeat him. Lucas's weariness was evident, but he suppressed it, fueling his body and mind with raw determination.

The fight began, and Lucas's anger unleashed a ferocity that surprised even the villain. But his exhaustion soon caught up with him, and the villain exploited this weakness with underhanded techniques. Blow after blow landed on Lucas, pushing him to his limits.

As the battle raged on, Lucas's strength waned, and it seemed like the end was near. The villain's triumphant grin only fueled Lucas's desperation to save his brother. In a final act of defiance, Lucas gathered the last remnants of his power and unleashed a devastating attack, taking down the villain and his minions, but it came at a tremendous cost.

Lucas felt his life slipping away, his vision blurring as he fought to stay conscious. In his final moments, he reached out to his brother, the one he had fought so hard to protect. 

"Kayden... I couldn't... save you... I'm so sorry," Lucas managed to whisper, his voice weak but filled with love.

Tears welled up in Kayden's eyes as he saw his brother's sacrifice. He had admired Lucas his whole life, and now he was witnessing the ultimate act of love and courage. As Lucas passed, his hand touched Kayden's, and a sudden surge of power flowed between them.

Kayden gasped as he felt a mysterious energy coursing through his veins. Unbeknownst to him, he already possessed the dormant power of the Red Phoenix. Lucas's final act had triggered the awakening of this latent potential. The fusion of his own Red Phoenix power with the remnants of Lucas's Blue Phoenix power unlocked something beyond imagination. Fearful black flames engulfed him, a manifestation of the blending of their powers.

In the dimly lit and desolate warehouse, Kayden knelt on the cold, hard ground, cradling his beloved brother Lucas in his arms. Lucas's lifeless form lay on his lap, his face serene yet etched with the pain of his final moments. Kayden's heart was heavy with grief, and tears streamed down his cheeks as he clutched his brother tightly.

"No, Lucas, you can't leave me," Kayden sobbed, his voice choked with emotion. "We were supposed to face the world together, to protect each other. Please don't go."

But the cruel hand of fate had already snatched Lucas away, leaving Kayden to grapple with the overwhelming loss. He looked down at his brother's face, etching every detail into his memory, never wanting to forget the person who had been his protector, his mentor, and his best friend.

With a surge of anguish and anger building within him, Kayden's sorrow turned into a desperate cry. "LUCAS!" he shouted into the empty air, the echo of his voice seeming to reverberate through the very depths of his soul.

As if responding to his sorrow and rage, a spark of black flame flickered to life in Kayden's hand. The flames swirled and danced, fueled by the overwhelming emotions coursing through him. With each passing second, the flames grew in intensity, turning into an ominous and fearful display of power.

The once-cold warehouse was now enveloped in the blazing black inferno. The flames danced and roared, their eerie glow casting an otherworldly light upon Kayden's tear-streaked face. The very air seemed to tremble in the presence of this newfound force, as if nature itself recognized the depths of Kayden's grief.

In that moment, the boundaries between life and death, between love and loss, seemed to blur. Kayden could feel Lucas's presence within him, their powers intermingling and merging in a way that defied explanation. The Fearful Black Flames had awakened, representing not just Kayden's power but also the indomitable bond he shared with his departed brother.

As the flames consumed the warehouse, a mixture of fear and awe filled the hearts of any who witnessed the spectacle. But for Kayden, the flames were not a display of destruction; they were an expression of love and remembrance for his fallen brother.

Kayden's body trembled with the overwhelming power he had harnessed. The intense emotions, coupled with the unrestrained force of the Fearful Black Flames, had taken a toll on him. As the blaze subsided, he fell to his knees, gasping for breath and feeling his strength waning.

His vision blurred, and his limbs felt heavy as if weighed down by an invisible burden. Kayden tried to summon his strength, but it was as if the very essence of his being had been consumed by the flames he had unleashed.

His eyes flickered, fighting to stay open as he struggled to remain conscious. But it was a losing battle. The world around him seemed to fade away, leaving him in a state of darkness and silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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