"Sorry, I was at my friend's house she needed help studying." I turned into the direction of his apartment. I knew if I didn't get there sooner, he would've been pissed.

"Tch, what'd I say abou- wait, you said she? Ooo, tell me about it. What'd ya'll do?" He let out some sinister chuckles.

"We didn't do nothing. I just helped her with some notes, swear." I groaned out. I hung up the phone and entered his apartment.

"So you're telling me you went to a girl's house and you didn't do anything? I don't think you're my nephew." He sat down on his couch and crossed his arms.

"I don't even like her. She's insufferable. Not even my type." I rolled my eyes and sat down next to my uncle.

"You said that about the last girl, and yet I caught you two -" I cut him off his a harsh glare. "Alright, whatever. Get your suit on. We gotta go."

I got up off the couch, walking toward my prowler suit.

Today, we needed to get some extra medical supplies for my Mom. I know she wouldn't approve of me doing this, but that's why I have a mask.


My uncle and I ran across rooftops while being chased by crazy scientists with lazer guns.

I don't know what was so special with this specific medicine, but hey, it was stolen.

"find somewhere to hide man. I'll deal with them. Leave the dropment off at your moms work, and bolt." I overheard in my headpiece.

And so I did what he said, I sprinted in the direction where my mom worked, landing down to the balcony connected to the room in which I knew she was currently in.

I didn't waste a second there, either. She might recognize me, and I don't know how I would handle that.

Okay, now to find a place to stay for now.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two figures swinging through the city. It was her.

(Kind of sort of spoilers for the chap. Go for it in my other book)

I jumped roofs, then landed in front of her and her friend.

I retracted my mask and looked at her with a harsh glare. "What did I tell you about coming back around these parts? Didn't I teach you a lesson last time?"

Her friend butted in, and God was he weird. "Hey man, seriously, tension is high and all, but we're on a mission!" I shut him up with a glare, but I should've shut him up with a punch.

A hard feeling hit the back of my feet, and I fell to the ground.

"Look, as much as I didn't want to
come here, I had to. Just because
you got to me that time doesn't
mean it'll happen again." She smirked down at me. I'm not going to let this happen. Two can play at this game.

I quickly stood up, then eying her mask – as if she even needed to hide her identity from me. I already knew who she was.

"Take off that mask, loca. I can
hear the fear in your voice." I put a smirk on my face and made sure that my glare was intense.

But of course, her friend had to butt in once more.

"Actually, I think it's you," he started.

Y/N and I both looked at him. I was especially confused. And then, he started to circle me like a damn shark. He examined my body language and looked me up and down left to right.

"I see," he giggled out. He ran over to Y/N and then began to whisper in her ear. And then they both started to giggle.

Fucking little kids.

Stupidity // Miles-42 X Fem!ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant