Episode 24 : Jae sacrifice.

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That time its started to snow heavily, so they can't go back now, they went into the house. Jae and leo feel awkward to speak with eachother. Then aura treats their wounds, then she went to look her baby. Aura now feels relaxed that her problems is solved without hurting jae. she plans to treat jae illness and make his life happy again by marrying a understandable girl to jae.

Next day they set to go from there. Leo changes the tyre in jae car with his car tyre as his car get breakdown, Jae also comes to help him. Aura keeps the baby in the baby stroller and she came out to see jae and leo. she saw them helping eachother but suddenly jae starts to hit leo with the car lifter. Aura shocked and she went to stop them leaving her baby near the door. she tries to stop jae from hitting leo but jae changes again, he didn't hear any of her words, he changes again because he don't get his loved one with him and his all dreams and his plans failed, so he forget what he said yesterday to aura. Jae behaves very aggressively, he don't know what he is doing, in the fight he even hit aura unknowingly. He beats leo continuously he pushed him down and he hit him in his head. Then aura tries to stop him but she can't, so aura pushed him away and takes leo in her lap and hug him, he bleeds a lot in the head.

Jae can't accept that aura pushed him and hugs leo. He thinks he is rejected by his love. Jae eyes fully turns red with tears, he feels, that whoever are close to him and who he loves they won't be with him in his life, he didn't get anyone his life, his parents, grandmother, nian, aura, he loves them all but they all leave him alone. so he screams louder with depression, suddenly he takes the rod struck in the tyre and runs to the direction of the baby. Aura thought he is going to hurt her baby as he changes like a psycho. so aura runs fast to save her baby, she push him but before that jae threw the rod towards the baby. Aura shocked and closed her eyes, she thinks something happen to her baby, then she hears the baby crying sound, she opened her eyes, she saw her baby is alive, nothing happened to her. she takes the baby in her hands and kissed her continuously. Then she saw a wolf killed with that rod behind the baby. she gets to know that jae came to save her baby from the wolf. Then she turned back to look for jae but he is not there. when she pushed him he rolled down and fall from the mountain. she believes that jae will be alive, so she went near and see down from the mountain. Jae is not dead, he hangs up in tree branch. Aura was happy that he is not dead, she calls jae.

Jae looks up and he says, I holding this branch because I don't want to die before seeing you and to hear your voice calling me jae. Its enough for me, I can't hold it anymore, I loved you but you don't trust me. I think my death will give you peace, you wish my death then I will give it to you. Jae takes the hand and fall down from there. Aura can't accept that he is dying infront of her eyes because of her.

Aura cries and screams by saying jae name, she says please come back please jae I didn't wish you to die, she cries there for a long time by repeating his name jae. Leo can understand aura pain, he didn't do anything to comfort her and he knows it won't works. He thinks crying out is the only medicine for her worries, so he leave her to cry how long she want to and he takes aura and baby back to their house. Her family became very happy after seeing her and the baby again. Aura mother hug aura but she didn't react to any of them.

she went to her room and start to cry continuously thinking about jae, she can't stop her tears and she don't want to do it. Leo said everything to her family and he ask them to not disturb her, leave her to cry out her sorrows. Leo gives his baby to aura sister-in-law and ask her to take care baby jae until aura becomes normal again. Then he went to the police station and he informs the police about jae death but he hide that aura pushed jae from there, he said that he himself jumped from the mountain to commit suicide, to avoid aura involving in jae death case, he shows jae medical records as a proof that he is mentally ill and he takes the decision to die by doing suicide. Leo takes jae medical records in the forest house that was stored by nian. He take that and keep with him for giving treatment to jae but now he is using this as a evidence to save aura. Leo ask police to find Jae body as there is no one for him aura family wants to do him a proper funeral for him.

Then police finds jae body and handover to aura family. They conduct funeral for jae. Aura relatives don't know about aura loved jae, so they ask to the family for whom do you conducting this funeral. Aura mother replied, he is also a member of my family, he is like my son, and we are his family. so we are doing this for him. Then aura comes to the funeral of jae. she weeps seeing Jae body and she hugs Jae and keep his body in her lap and covers him with her arms and says, I am sorry for not trusting you, I know you saw my baby as your child but I can't trust you at that time, you saved my child but I killed you I am sorry jae. You just wish to sleep in my arms with my warmness but I didn't give that to you, now I doing this for you, please be in my arms forever in my life, please jae. Then leo takes aura from there and ask to stay in her room as she can't see burying jae body.

Aura walks to her room, she saw the police there, they are here to get a signature from leo as they completed jae case. Aura thinks to say the truth and surrender to the police. she steps forward to say them but she hears her baby crying sound from the other room, she thinks that if she said all the truth that she pushed jae to death, then she will be in prison for years but her baby needs her mother at this age and if she goes to prison, this spoils her child future. so she steps back and went into her room.

Then she fall ill by thinking jae, Leo leaves his job and start to take care aura full time. Aura sister-in-law takes care of baby jae. Aura can't live peacefully, she suffers from the guilty feeling that she killed jae by her own hands. Jhonny calls to jae phone, as he is in abroad he don't know anything about jae death, so he calls to say that he finished all the works given by Jae that Jae already ask Jhonny to look a house in abroad to stay there with aura and baby jae but now he is dead. Leo had jae phone so he attend the call to see who it is, Jhonny speaks to leo he ask about jae. Leo said all the truth as he can't hide from jae friend.

Jhonny don't believe that jae is dead because he always want jae to be happy in his life but he can't accept his life ended now. Jhonny is a true friend of jae, they two grow up together from their childhood. He shouted aura for what she did and he feels for not knowing his death and he can't even go to his funeral to see his face for last time. Next day leo went out to meet a psychiatrist to give counseling to aura, that time Jhonny arrived to aura house from abroad.

He saw aura and slapped her and says, its all because of you, I should have stopped jae before he loves you but seeing his happiness after you came into his life, I thought he will live happy hereafter in his life because of you. If I stopped jae at that time he will atleast be alive infront of my eyes. Your family rejected him because of his mental illnes but its all restarted by you. Aura says, Jhonny what are you saying I am not the reason for that and I just loved him. Jhonny stops her and says, I agree that he is mentally not well after his grandmother death but after that we take him to a psychologist and give treatment and make him normal again. He again lives his life normal like other people but when you rejected him for the first time when he proposed to you, his problems restarted from there but he fights with himself and get out from that and he approached you again and you too started to love him. I didn't say his problems to you, I think you will be a permanent medicine for his problems but you changed his life up and down. Jae asks me to see a house in abroad and to buy things for you and your baby to live in that house, he does everything only for you and he didn't expect anything from you other than your love but how can you kill him like this, why don't you believe him, he just love baby jae more than he loves you, then how he can try to kill the child. You think jae can harm your baby because you don't trust him, you didn't see him as the old jae who you loved sincerely, you saw him like another person. Aura starts to cry more and more by listening all his words. Jhonny says, why are you crying aura, by just crying Jae won't come back again and your tears don't have any meaning. you separated him from me permanently I can't even able to see him once for the last time.

Then Jhonny went from there and calls leo and he thanked leo for conducting funeral to jae. Leo request Jhonny not to say the truth about jae death to police. Jhonny promised him that he won't say anything about that to anyone because jae don't want to see aura in problems, he continues to love aura even after his death.

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