Frazier's Hidden Talent.

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*Ethan's POV*

Well, it's Monday, and I'm still trying to process everything that has happened the last 2 days.

So, here's a list.

Friday, Harlow and Frazier, the crazy women they are, literally walked in to the wolfs den, and got Rhiannon back.

Rhiannon and Cyrus are still in the care center.

I accepted Frazier and told her I love her Friday night.

Her and I had sex finally. Twice.

She was down and out yesterday feeling sick because of the morning after pill she took Saturday.

Kallie and her fiancé or whatever, that was a thing.

She is the one who didn't want anything serious with me. She does not get to call my girlfriend a slut when she's literally slept with a major chunk of Star Lock.

And I learned that I need to put in more work in bed since she's admitted she's embellished.

I don't like that, not one bit.

Something I also don't like one bit, is that I have not seen Frazier since Chem and before that I hadn't seen her since I walked her to her locker.

It's lunch, and I have not seen her other than those 2 times since we left her house since I stayed with her last night because yet again, after Friday, I don't want her out of my sight, but we're at school and I have no choice.

I am turning in to a whipped fluffy good boy.


Onix, Tony and I are sitting at our lunch table right now planning a guys night for this weekend because 'dude, if you don't jump out of her ass she's going to kill you.'

So, guys night. Cobi, Kai, Onix, Tony, Cyrus and I, are planning a night in the basement with food, booze, games, and fun.

But Kai, is not here.

He is currently texting me.

K; Can you grab my redbull out of my locker and bring it to the auditorium?

E; Why are you in the auditorium?

K; Helping Cobi with the musical. Just, please be quiet when you come in. Don't let anyone but him see you.

E; OK, you fucking freak.

K; Thank you, love you (:

"Well, we have to go to the auditorium."

"For?" Onix gave me a look.

"Kai wants his redbull, he's helping Cobi." I nodded. "But I guess we can't let anyone know we're there but him?"

"That's fucking weird." Tony shook his head.

"Just, lets go please." I laughed.

We headed to Kai's locker, grabbed his apple fig bullshit of an excuse for a redbull, and we quietly made our way into the auditorium.

The only way Onix would actually be quiet though is if we were acting like spies.

So when I say we walked down the ramps to Cobi, we army crawled just to make him happy.

"Mission complete." He slowly popped up at sat next to Cobi.

"What?" Cobi whispered.

I crawled into his seat on the other side and handed him my phone.

"Right." He whispered.

"So, why are we being quiet?" Tony whispered.

"Because we need you, to do something." He pointed at me.

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