summer time birthday

Start from the beginning

"Hm. Whatever you say."

"Okay. Here open your present." She handed her a bag smiling at her, "I think it'll look so hot on you." She pulled out a bikini I let out a soft chuckle. "Do you like it?"

"Okay, Belly would never wear that." Jeremiah pointed out.

"If you haven't noticed, Jere, Belly is different this summer. I hate to say this but, Taylors right. You would look hot in it."

"Actually, I really like it. Thank you, Taylor."

"You're welcome. Okay so, what's the plan for tonight? Where's the party?"

"Well, Susannah always plans a big lobster dinner."

"Boring no. It's your birthday. We have to go out."

"No, no, no. These dinners are really, really fun."

"And Susannah had the idea to make it Midsommar themed so she got flower crowns especially made for us and everything."

"Don't you think you should be spending your birthday with people your own age?"'

"I am. You're here. Lye's here."

"Hello? Am I invisible?"

"And I guess Steven. And Cam's coming too."

"Yay, I'm so excited to meet the guy who finally got you to take your eyes off of you-know-who."

"Taylor." Me and Belly snapped, Jeremiah looked confused but also as if he knew who she was talking about.

"I'm just excited to officially meet Cam Cameron. But I do have an idea Jere is thinking of right now."

"What how did you know?"

"I know you." I said looking at him smiling.

"Oh is that a fact?"

"Yeah, actually."

"Then what was I thinking oh so wise one."

"You were gonna say we should go to Nicole's big blowout at her place tonight. Maybe after dinner."

"Damn, you do know me."



"Who's Nicole?"

"She's our big sister. For the deb ball. She's super nice and just really cool and fun..."

"Ugh, I'm like, melting right now." I rolled my eyes, of course if it's not about her she don't care. "Can we go back to the house. I want to change into my bikini and jump in the pool."


"Shotgun." I said standing up, Taylor frowned making me roll my eyes again.

"Will you be in a bikini?" Jere asked as we walked to his car.


"Then I'm definitely joining. Don't let Taylor drag you down okay?"

"I won't. It's Belly's day."

"Good, you shouldn't." He kissed my head opening my door.

"Awe, thank you kind sir."

"Of course m 'lady." He closed the door as I got in. Once he was in we were on our way back to the house.


After I changed into my bikini I walked to Belly's room smiling as she had on hers. "Cute, Bells."


"Conrad is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this bikini."

"No, I doubt it. I honestly think he couldn't care less."

right in front of you- Jeremiah FIsherWhere stories live. Discover now