Cheptar 8: SUTOPPU! In Teh Name of AI!!!!!!!!!!!!

Start from the beginning

Hitoshi-san couldn't' tear his eyes away from Bokutachi-kun, the fabled akuma of Neko high school. (TRANSLATER NOTE: akuma = devil)

In his mind, he knew that Mad Beast bokutachi kun was a bad, bad baka, who was not to be trifled with.

But at teh same time... that tall, handsome figure, those broad shoulders, those luscious locks... plus, there was that oh-so-shrexy mask/ hair-shadowy thing that covered his face... wait, no, he shouldn't be having these thoughts. That would be betraying his kawaii boyfriend, Geoff-kun!

Yes... as Hitoshi-san thought back to the time they'd spent watching guess the anime opening videos together, he was able to banish those most unsugoi thoughts.

"MAD BEAST!!!!!" Kaichou-san screamed passionately, raising her sword upon seeing him. "SURRENDEr URSELF 2 JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Ugh!" Bokutachi-kun grunted in irritation. "Not YOU again... why r u so obsessed with me anyway, why can't you just go bother sum other poor shmuck for once."

Kaichou-san's face became shadowed as she remembered the reason behind her resolve. The reason behind her determination to stop evildoers and protect justice.

The reason she could never forgive Mad Beast Bokutachi.

"Do you even remember... what happened all those years ago?" Kaichou-san said through gritted teeth. "What you did to nii-san?!?!" (translatos note: nii-san = big brother)

"So you claim that I did something to some nii-san of yours or whatever?" Bokutachi sighed dispassionately and rolled his eyes. "Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down? Nii-sans these days seem to be a dime a dozen."

Kaichou-san narrowed her eyes into slits, clenching her fist around the handle of her wooden sword so tightly her knuckles turned white.

"I don't care if you insult me, taunt me, threaten me, whatever. I knew the risks when I started fighting, and I'm prepared to accept them with dignity," Kaichou-san said darkly. Her face twisted into a venomous snarl, teeth showing as she angrily spat out her next words. "But don't EVER insult nii-san, kuso yarou! I don't care if I have to pursue you to the ends of the earth, I will find you, and I will avenge nii-san!"

"Onii-san this, Nii-san that... someone's got a brother complex, eh?" Bokutachi-kun drawled.

"SHUT UP!" screamed Kaichou-san, finally losing her composure. "HOW DARE YOU INSINUATE – HOW DARE YOU INSULT ONII-SAN! I'll never forgive you... NEVER!!!"

She threw herself at Bokutachi-kun, sword raised, but anger made her sloppy. Bokutachi-kun sidestepped the clumsily swung sword with ease. Kaichou-san charged again, putting all of her weight behind her next swing and calling out the name of her finishing move:

"Starlit Witness of the Shadowy Truth: Drifting Spiral!"

Bokutachi-kun dodged, backflipping off the roof effortlessly. Kaichou-chan's momentum made her stumble, just in time for Bokutachi-kun to flip back up onto the roof using his epic l33t parkour skillz.

Still reeling from her failed attack, Kaichou-san was unable to block Bokutachi's next attack. With a single brutal kick, Kaichou-san was sent flying, colliding into the door leading to the roof with a sickening thud. Her sword clattered onto the floor several meters away, promptly being kicked away by Bokutachi-kun.

Click. Clack. Click. Bokutachi-kun's thigh high croc high heels clicked against the cement of the roof as he approached the fallen Kaichou-san... menacingly. ゴゴゴゴ

"Looks like you, Kaichou-san... are now a KaiNO-san," Bokutachi-kun dropped his lame one liner. (GEDDIT cuz instead of chou its no LMOA)

"N-no... shut up Boku...tachi... ugh... I... I'll NEVER forgive you for korosuing onii-san!" (TRANSOLTOR NOTE: korosu = kill)

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