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"Hey,are you guys ready?" My mom asked me and my sister,Noah.
We were moving out after a bad period,some bad years full of memories that we all wanted to forget.
My dad tried to kill me and Noah when we were young but he's now in prison,I sometimes pretended he was dead. He was to me.
He hit my mother every single day and he never stopped until we reported him to the police.
My mom,after a few years,finally married a new man. She was very in love,I wish I was too.
She wanted to take us to live with him,all together.
I wasn't really happy when I knew,I had many friends that I didn't want to lose,my friend Maggie above all.
I then realised that my mom deserved every good thing that was going to happen to her.
She needed a fresh start and Will,her new husband,was it.
I quickly changed idea but my sister didn't.
She had a boyfriend and a best friend,she was convinced that they were all her life and she couldn't leave them.
We were moving anyway so she was forced to go but didn't even want to talk to our mother.
I finished packing my stuff and looked around,that was my house but there were too many memories to stay. I turned around and reached my mother and my sister in the kitchen,that was the last time I saw that place.
We were in the car for a few hours at this point,my sister was reading and told me and my mother to not play any music.
It was so boring,I didn't really know what to do and nobody was talking until my mom started: "Hey Noah,what are you reading?" She looked at her like don't you see?  and my mom sighed. I couldn't believe that she was treating our mom like that after all we went through.
I sighed too and Noah seemed annoyed.
"Please,I'm not wearing my reading glasses" Noah still didn't answer.
"You gotta stop this! Do you think this is easy for me and mom? You aren't the only one who sufferd so stop being a shit and start being a fucking sympathetic daughter! I can't believe this!" I couldn't take back what I said.
Noah almost started talking but then she stopped herself,she knew that what I said was true but in her head she was the only one right.
"You don't talk like this in the car!" I got confused,was she freaking kidding me?
"But your right..." I lived again.
I think Noah got super mad at me and my mom but didn't say anything.
"You can't do this forever,we're your family and Will and Nick will too. Plus,Saint Mary is a great school with a fantastic volleyball team. You'll love that,just wait. I'm in love,you can't stop me from that!"
Mom said what I said without yelling or saying bad words.
"I was in love too,what you don't seem to give a shit about that! And I don't want to go to that "great" school if a stranger is paying for it!" Noah was out of her.
"Noah! Are you even listening to your words?!"
"It's not true,honey. I'm sorry that I took you away from Betty and Dan,but you can't say how it's gonna go with them,you're seventeen!" Mom was right but this was a bit rude...
Noah went back reading her book and I put music on to disturb her.
Mom seemed sad,but at the same time convinced,she knew she was right.
We arrived at Will's house like an hour later,my mom and I sang radio's songs all the time.
"Rafaella! So happy to see you...and your daughters!" Will said,he looked so perfect,right for my mom.
"I'm sorry but I can't say the same./So happy to see you too,Mr.Leister!" Noah was keeping being a bitch.
Mom and Will seemed confused but he said: "Harper,please... We're a family now,call me Will. I hope you can both feel like home" He was elegant. No doubts my mom liked him,she always dreamed of a life like this. She deserved it.
Noah sighed and went to grab her bags.
"Sorry miss,let me help you" A butler told her.
"No,I can do this. Thanks" She couldn't accept her new life,she couldn't even do it for mom.
"Let me help you,please" The butler said again.
"No,hey!" The butler grab the bag first. "Ok,you won Mortimer!" I laughed a bit without letting anyone else see.
"Ehm,can we show you guys the house?" My mom asked rhetorically.
"Yes.../Sure!" Again?
Mom and Will showed us a pool,a gym and even a cinema but none of these things actracted Noah.
"Do you have a library? Or a place where I can stay alone and rest,you know" Obvious,one of the things Noah took from her dad was being rude.
"Yes,your room Noah. The place where you stayed all day doing nothing,as always" I said.
"Are you finished treating me like a fucking shit?! I miss everything,you were popular but you didn't even have one freaking real friend! This is your fresh start,not mom's!" She put a hand on her mouth while I almost started crying. "I'm sorry mom,I really wanted to stay with you and Will,but can you show me my room?" I said holding back tears.
"Yes Harps,do the victim now" Noah was a bitch,she didn't even think about what she was doing.
"Enough! Come Harps" I didn't want this to happen,when I told my sister that she was selfish I hoped that she understood why I was doing it and accepted her new life. She didn't as you can see.
My room had lilac walls and posters with my favourite celebrities on them.
There was heather everywhere,like I always told my mom I wanted.
There were all my book and some that I wanted to read,there was a double bed.
I also had a double bed in the old house,but I had to share it with Noah.
There was a walk-in closet,it was the dream of every girl. I've always wanted one but my parents-my mom-couldn't buy it. There wasn't even enough space in my old house.
I would've never even think that my mom knew me so well,that reminded me how much I loved her.
I hugged her until she told me I was hurting her.
She even put those Dior vintage outfits that I always showed her on my phone,it was perfect.
"If you need something,Nick's room is right next to yours" Mom said Nick was really nice,I wanted to know him!
"Oh,sure! I'll go meet him" Mom was about to leave the room. "Ehm,mom... Where's Noah's room?" She smiled "In front of yours,on the other side of hallway" I smiled back and she went away.
Now,was I going to meet Nick,or was I going to talk to my sister? My sister,I was feeling like a shit.
I knocked but nobody answered and when I went in,she wasn't there.
Nick wasn't in his room neither so I went to the kitchen to eat and see all of the strange things that were in the fridge.
In the kitchen were Noah and a guy that I supposed was Nick.
I came in and Noah tried to go away.
"Noah,please. You know I wasn't trying to go against you,I just wanted mom to not feel bad" I said,I didn't even introduce myself to Nick.
"Good,because that's the opposite of what I was trying to do. I wanted to convice mom that this is wrong! I had my life too and she didn't care" Enough is enough.
"You're just a selfish bitch" I told her disgusted.
I put a hand on my mouth and turned back to go away but something blocked me.
Nick was right in front of me,looking down at me with a big smile on his face.
I got scared and we both laughed. I smiled at him back.
"Sorry,I didn't want to scare you" He said,I wasn't sure he was telling the truth.
"Yeah,I'm Harper anyway" I said giving him my hand.
"I'm Nick" He gaved me his hand too.
I immediately thought he really was the nice guy my mom told me.
Mom and Will came in the kitchen "Hey guys,I see you already met!" My mom said.
"Yes,Nick is really nice but my favourite is Thor" Noah said. Who's Thor? She tried to get the dog to come to her but he didn't.
"Thor is the dog" Nick whispered to me.
He was so cute.
Noah went away,what was wrong with her? Did something happen woth Nick while I wasn't there?
"Guys,go prepare yourselves. We eat out tonight" Will told us,being well dressed at a fency restaurant was my dream.
I put on a cute white dress with a flake and a pair of black studded Valentino's. I loved that.
Down the stairs were alrealdy my mom,Will and Nick. My mom's face lit up when she saw me,and so did Will's. Nick just smiled,that was enough for me but I was scared he didn't like me.
Only Noah was missing.
Nick sighed,he was probably tired of waiting for her.
Whem she finally arrived,I wished she never did.
She wore a random T-shirt with a white belt on it and some heeled boots.
Was she finished or would she continue this forever?
Mom wasn't really happy to see her like this.
I wanted to tell her to stop acting like this but I realized that I told her even too many times so I laughed. She looked at me bad.
"Noah,you look stunning" Will said. That was probably just for her to feel home but I'm sure he didn't mean it.
We got out of the house and Nick took his own car.
He was looking at me,I think. He let a cigarette out,trying Noah but why?
We arrived at the restaurant and Nick gave his number to like four girls. Maybe he wasn't really like my mom said.
Will told me and Noah that we could use his last name while we waited to get our membership cards.
"Don't you think that would be confusing?" Noah asked.
"No,why would it be?"
A man came to us "Good evening Mr. Leister"
"Hello! I'm Mrs.Leister!" I said.
"Yeah,me too!" Noah continued.
The man seemed confused. "Congratulations! I heard about that but I didn't think of two young women..." He tried to not seem rude.
"Nonono Antonio,I'm not that kind of man"
My mon arrived "This is Mrs. Leister" Will said.
"Oh my god,I'm so sorry. How silly of me" The man,Antonio,said.
"Don't worry,it's not your fault" Will said looking at us.
Noah and I laughed and went away.
"I'm sorry Harps,you're right" Was she seriously saying that?
"No Noah,I'm sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like that. Can you forgive me? Pleaseee" I asked her trying to make her laugh.
Noah sighed ironically and then she hugged me "Obvious Harps!"
We then sat at the table with the rest of the family.
"This city is simply amazing" My mom said.
"Yes,National Geographic includes it with the most charming places in the world" Nick said while a waitress passed a hand on his shoulder.
"I heard that there are many fires here" Noah continued.
"Yea,unluckly for us there have already been two,this summer" Will answered.
"I don't get why people throw cigarettes away from the window" Noah and I both laughed looking at Nick.
He got what Noah was doing.
"Ever had points deducted from your license for this?" I asked Nick.
"Never" He said.
"Nick doesn't smoke. He's an athlete,a surfing champion" Will told me.
"You know Nick,Noah and Harper also do sports" Our mom said.
"Cool! What do you practice?" He said trying to get somehow to Noah's weakness.
"We both practice volleyball. We prefer team sports,where you use your intelligence" Noah had to say it,i swear she couldn't rexist.
"Ok,I have to go to work. Sorry" Nick said.
"At Mikel's?" Will asked.
"Yes,it's not a case but it's work" He lookes at us and continued "I study law".
"If he's leaving,Harper and I are leaving too" Why did she have to include me too? I didn't say anything 'cause I didn't want to fight with Noah anymore but mom seemed very disappointed.
"It's ok. Nick,give them a ride" Will told him.
"But dad-"
"Take them home right now"
Nick went away but Will told us to follow him and so we did.
"I'm going in front" I told Noah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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