Ampa se Izula.

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It's been months since Rhaenyra left for her tour and everything in Kings Landing has changed.

Atheana has made good on her promise to be for the people. She helped build them new homes, helped them sustain and learn how to farm, how to keep themselves clean and smelling good. She bought maesters from all around the world to heal and check on the children who had no homes or hope of living pass five years old. She even but a school for the children to learn.

Woman were treated differently now. They no longer had to worry about be raped and abused by their father or husbands; one word and they would be dead. It hasn't been this way since they came here from Valyria. Brothels were cleaned up as well, she made sure none of the women were being forced into it and that they had a safe environment while they worked. 

Atheana gave birth to another babe; boy, named Aeron. He was a quiet one, when he was born, they assumed he was dead. Viserys health has been getting better since she got rid of the bad apples. She has him on a strict diet, more fruit and vegetables than wine and salt and sugar. He complained at first, but when she broke down crying about losing him; he agreed to be a clean eater.

"Mother, can I hold Aeron, please." Daemera questioned.

"Yes dear, come sit next to me. I want you to watch his head and be very careful."

"Okay mother." She said as she held her baby brother."

"That's it, support the neck. There you go, good."

"He's so little, was I this small, mother."

"Yes, even smaller. You had to share a womb with Aegon, so in order to fit, you had to be very small."

"Wow, do you think I will ever have babies. I know I am too young, but I think about this stuff sometimes."

"I think that you will be a better mother than me and have even prettier children than me."

"Are you calling us ugly, mother. Daemera aid as her smile grew.

"No dear, I am just saying that when you all grow up and have children, they will be your world and you will see that I was right about them being more beautiful. Nothing is as beautiful as your children., always remember that."

"Okay, mother." She said, looking down at her brother.

"Good, now let's go and eat our supper, we don't want to keep anyone waiting. Especially Aegon, the boy can eat.

(Most of the characters will stick to the story, except Aegon. He will go through some things in the future to make him want to drink and other things. TW for SA.)

"Ah, love. I thought Aegon would start without you here."

"Hey." Aegon said as he waddles his three-year-old legs over.

"Aw, I still love you, Aegon. Don't listen to your father." Atheana said as she kissed Viserys and then kissed Aegon's cheek.

"Alright, let us eat."

All throughout the dining room, there was chatter. Children laughing at nothing and Atheana and Viserys smiling at another memory maker.

" I would love to have another little one. It's just that I get so scared that you would end up like Aemma. I loved Aemma; truly, I did. But you are my heart and soul, the fire to my blood and if I lose you, it will kill me, Atheana."

"You will never lose me, when our time comes, we'll go together. I love you too much to leave you."

"I know, I love you too." He says as he stands and gets everyone's attention. "I would like to just say a few words, please."

"I know that I have not always been a great king or father or husband. I would just like to say that I apologize for that. It took me a very long time to realize that the people that I thought had my best interests, didn't. And you all suffered for it, I just want everyone to know that the years I have spent living my years as a peaceful and docile king are over. I will still try to keep the peace for the realm, but I will never be docile again, thank you all and enjoy your dinner." Everyone dining stood up and clapped.

"Good job, my love."

"Thank you, Theana. Without you, none of this would be possible."

"You flatter me love. How about we retire early to our chambers for one of our, quiet nights."

"Have I been wearing you out, woman."

"It seems so, I can barely keep my open enough to eat a lemon cake."

"How about I grab some for you and keep them warm by the fire."

"Yes dear, that would be lovely. I get to wake up to a snack in the middle of the night."

"Mm, maybe we could both get a midnight snack." He said smirking at me."

"Now, Vis. Cut that out, I don't think I could open my legs if I wanted to, which I do not. Now, let's retire to bed." She said as she got up.

"Mother, are you off to bed already."

"Yes, have a good night and I will see you all tomorrow. Ali, can you help put the children to bed, they'll cry if one of us is not there. thank you."

In bed, Viserys is looking at Atheana as she devours her third lemon cake. She feels him looking at her.

"What, do I have crumbs on my face, dear."

"No- well yes you do, but I love looking at the most beautiful woman in all the seven kingdoms."

"Thank you, but what else is really bothering you, love." He huffs before taking her hand.

"You remember when I told you about Aegon's dream, you told me to never repeat it again. Why."

"When we speak, we are not the only ones listening. I saw a very different future for us all; but you are the one who would have had it the worst. I interfered, changing everything. As I told you before, it was all true. His dreams were true, except what he saw was a princess. A dragoness who had three dragons and was a true queen in more ways than one. I have seen it myself; vividly."

"Wonderful, I never thought it to be a woman, but seeing you and how you helped so many people; I believe it now."

"I was thinking of a way that we could leave more than just our presence behind."

"What do you mean, like something for the future to hold on to."

"Yes, but something literal. I know we can't just give them the answers to life, we could at least guide them."

"Hm, sounds lovely. We shall work on this together, my love. Now let's get some sleep, we have a busy day tomorrow."

"And what is so busy about tomorrow."

"Nothing, just makes me sound important, is all."

"You, my love, are foolish. Still, I love you."

"I love you too, Theana." 

Rebirth: House Of The Dragon - Dynasty Of Queen Athena Targaryenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن