Fucking Weird Shit

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Eva finished listening to Marek tell her about his session with Annie. "I knew it!" Eva proclaimed proudly. "There is a connection."

"I'm not ready to say you're right and that their issues are connected however I must admit that it's possible," replied Marek.

"That must have been very difficult for you to say."

"More than you can imagine.  Forty years of psychiatry tells me that this isn't possible, yet it's happening....This your domain Eva. What's going on?"

Eva paused. She didn't expect that she'd need have an answer on the spot. This might be her domain but it was something that no one could possibly be an expert in. "It seems that these two have lived many lives together. If I were to guess, and that's all this would be, their troubles are from being so far apart from each other for so long. Souls come back in groups. They need to be together otherwise it's as if part of themselves are missing."

"I suppose that's as good an answer as any. So what you're saying is that you and I aren't meant to be together because neither of us are depressed to the point of wanting to end our lives?"

"Marek, I'd have already met our maker if we were still together. God would have wondered how I survived with you for so long. Coming to think of it I believe God owes me an apology." Eva knew that wasn't true. She badly wanted to be with Marek but he just kept choosing money and career over her. She was convinced that Marek was her prava-ljubov, which means true love in her native country of Serbia.

"I must have done something horrible to you in a past life to constantly be the victim of that sharp tongue of yours," Marek replied in an angry tone.

"I'd take that bet." Eva replied.

"Okay, okay enough about us..." Marek knew he couldn't beat her at the insult game. That was a women's domain. "Back to the unhappy couple. What's the next point of attack?"

"Let's start by showing your clients picture to Jason," Eva said confidently. "Is it okay I tell him her first name?"

"I suppose. Her name is Annie."

* * * * *

"My friend in Denver got permission from his client to show you her photo. Like I said last session, this is a shot in the dark."

Eva handed Jason an old picture of Annie from when she was in college. She standing in front of a statue wearing a jean jacket.

"Oh my God, that's her!" Jason said. "I don't believe it. That's Annie St. Pierre."

"You know her?" Eva asked, already aware of the answer.

"I saw her at a party when I was in high-school. I couldn't stop staring at her. I'd never been so nervous in all my life. I thought about her afterwards for years."

"Where did you go to highschool?"

"Needham High."

"And Annie went there?" Eva asked.

"No. She went to the other school, St. Matthew's."

"Oh.." Eva seemed a little disappointed.

"Did I answer wrongly?" Jason asked.

"Not at all. The truth is the truth."

"Of all the damn girls I ever met, you had to show me a picture of Annie St. Pierre. After I left Boston for Chicago I was sure I'd never hear that name again."

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