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I lay in James' arms, him rubbing my back. James tilts my chin up, "You're hot in my clothes." he points out me wearing one of his shirts. "But you're making it difficult for me.." he slides his hand up my leg, lifting my shirt a bit, all I have on is my underwear and James' shirt. "James, no.." I mumble, "too tired."

James chuckles, "I know, hot stuff.. you're just so desirable." I giggle "Oh you don't need to lie to yourself.."

James rolls his eyes "If I was lying to myself about you.. meh. I dunno." I scoff "screwwww youuuuu" I kiss the tip of his nose. "I like big noses." I boop his nose, "Why? I hate my nose.." James mumbles.

I raise an eyebrow "My love, big noses are like my favourite thing ever.. they're so cute or hot and it's just so fuckin' cute on your already pretty face oh my gosh I want to squish you!!!" I smoosh James' face, "Dude stop- what the hell?" he pulls my hands off of him. My face goes blank, "Oh I-I'm sorry.." I mumble.

James says "It's whatever."

Is he trying to make me feel bad? I was trying to show my affection.

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep now. Goodnight." I lay on my side with my back facing James.

James scoffs "What's your problem?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." I murmur. James laughs "Honey I'm not the best man with women but when a girl says 'I'm fine', you ain't fine."

I sigh "I was trying to show you affection and you sounded annoyed. ...I hate annoying people." James nuzzles up against me, "You're not annoying. I really like you. I think I'm the annoying one though." he laughs to make me feel better, which works. He as a pretty laugh. I love him.

I let out a happy sigh, I'm living my dream life. For the most part.

James lays down next to me, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him, "You're precious." he whispers to me. "Am I, now?" I giggle. "Mhm.." he hums in response.

After a few minutes I hear James start snoring, he's fallen asleep. Of course he snores.

I groan and try blocking out the sound as much as possible, but there's no hope. I can't ignore it.

I sit up, frustrated. I grab my pillow and hold it above of James' head, right before I slam the pillow onto his head. James jerks awake, "What the fuck?!" he shouts. "YOU WERE SNORING!!" I shout back. He scoffs "you fucking snore too, you bitch!"

I swing the pillow across his face again, "DONT CALL ME A BITCH!!"

He looks at me with pure frustration, "Don't tell me what to do!! If I want to call you a bitch, then I will, you stupid bitch!!!"

I scoff, "I'm going home." I get up. "No, you're not." James grabs my wrist and pulls me back onto the bed. I push him away "Stop it! I don't want to be here right now!!"

"If I say you're staying, you're staying." he says threateningly.

"James- stop, please let me go!" I try pushing him away, his grip on my wrist tightens. "Why should I? What if I want my pretty girl to stay in bed with me?" he says. I shake my head "No. Let me go." I pull my arm from his grip.

He scoffs and shoves me away from him, "Fine, I'll find a groupie for the night."

I look up at him with a broken heart "W..What..?" James rolls his eyes, "What? Didn't you know I fuck groupies?"

I feel tears welling in my eyes "N-No.. I thought.. I thought you were loyal.. I-I trusted you!-.." James shakes his head, "Babe, I'm a rockstar. I can't just give up all those beautiful women who throw themselves at me!" I wipe away a tear, "Yes- Y-You can.. you could easily say 'I have a girlfriend.' instead of.. cheating on me.."

James groans "It's not cheating.. I'm keeping my rockstar image. If I just tell everyone I have a girlfriend, I'm gonna get bored and people are gonna think I'm some boring softie."

My world collapses, my heart shatters, my trust in this man, my love, my support, my desire for, GONE.

"I'd.. get boring..?" I mumble, "Well eventually.. I'm not big on stayin' with chics for long.." James scoffs.

"..I thought you were different." I murmur.

"You thought wrong. Listen I don't know what to expected, I'm a rockstar. We're supposed to do this." he tells me. "NO. That's not true!! Just because you're a rockstar doesn't mean you can't have a healthy, happy, loving relationship!!" I shout. "Calm your tits. I thought you knew. I thought you were fine with it." James says.

"WHAT?! You expect me to be fine with it after NEVER mentioning it?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? You could've been like.. 'Hey Jewel, is it okay if I fuck random women behind your back?' instead of this! You're.. god you're an asshole!" I shout at him, getting angry.

"IM SORRY, OKAY? You know I love you-" I cut him off "YOU SAID ID GET BORING EVENTUALLY."

James groans and rubs his face "That's not- No. I wouldn't get bored of you. You're the first women who's made me feel this way- I just- I'm sorry.. I know I've fucked up. I've fucked up everything. I don't know why I did I just- I needed the thrill of it.."

I furrow my eyebrows "I'm glad it took you me dumping you to realize you screwed up everything."

James' face goes shocked, what did he expect? "NO! PLEASE! IM SORRY DONT LEAVE ME-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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