He rubs his mustache, looking deep in thought, then he lets out a sigh. "I'm thrilled to see you succeeding after taking over your father's company, but at this point, I'm not sure the numbers are quite there for me yet, if I'm being frank with you, Lincoln. Can I call you Lincoln?"

My jaw ticks as I give him another nod.

"If numbers spike as you expect they're going to, we can speak then."

Kendall glances between us nervously, and although I'm pissed this isn't going as expected, I'll save this. I'll do whatever I have to.

"That's a shame." I flicker my eyes toward Kendall and glance at the middle of her dress, letting her think I'm checking out her breasts before meeting her gaze again. "I was hoping we'd be able to work something out." Then I look at Don. "If the numbers spike like they're going to, then I'm certain my options of investors will be a lot more abundant, won't they? I'm sure I'll have a streamline of them more than willing to be in business with me. Who's to say that I'd go with you?"

Don is one of the biggest entrepreneurs in New York. I'd be lucky to gain his partnership, but I don't want to look desperate, so I'm throwing out a slight dig.

"I'm sure we can work something out. Right, Daddy?" She blinks innocently towards him, and I bite back a laugh. Daddy's little girl, indeed. I've got him right where I want him.

"One million at a twenty percent stake," he says gruffly. "That's what I'm willing to offer."

"Twenty percent?" That's an actual insult to my company and our success. How stupid does he think I am? "With all due respect, Don, there's no way I'll accept that. You know just as well as I do what a good source of income this will be for you. With your investment, we can expedite our renovation plans on not only our big city locations but our small town ones as well, which you know for a fact will increase your revenue significantly more than you're willing to invest based on our sales already skyrocketing before the first renovated location has even opened. My company is worth more than that offer, and you know it."

The waiter returns with the wine and fills up our glasses. He asks for our order, and I raise a brow at Don. "Should I stay for dinner or conclude this meeting early?"

I can't be certain, but his body jerks a little, and I think Kendall nudges him with her knee under the table. She smiles seductively at me, twirling a strand of her hair around her fingertip, earning a frustrated groan from Don.

Hook, line, and sinker.

"Go ahead and order," he says. "We've got business to discuss."


I don't get back to my condo until almost midnight. I'm exhausted from all the business talk, and I still have to wake up early to contact my lawyer about drawing up the contracts, but I've successfully closed my first deal by myself, and it feels damn good.

Setting my keys down on the countertop, Muggles nudges his head between my legs. I bend down to scratch underneath his chin, his favorite spot, and then I head into the bedroom. Sienna is already asleep—her body curled up into a ball, mouth slightly ajar—and I lean against the door frame smiling like an actual idiot.

If I weren't so tired, I'd watch her sleep all night, but my body is begging me to pass out, so I undress and crawl beside her to pull her back against my chest, smiling once more when she sighs of contentment.

"Hi," she mumbles tiredly. "How'd it go?"

I kiss the top of her head and nuzzle my face between her neck and shoulder. "I landed it. Two million with a ten percent stake."

"Lincoln, are you kidding me? That's fantastic!" She wriggles out of my grasp to face me. "I knew you could do it. I'm so proud of you."

I kiss her deeply, roaming my hands down her back until they settle on her ass. Nothing feels as good as this. Coming home to someone to celebrate with is much better than making the deal itself. "It's all because of you, baby. You've taught me so much over these past six months, and I can't thank you enough. You've made me such a better CEO, and I don't think I'll ever be able to find a way to repay you for helping me save my father's company. I mean it, Sienna."

She holds my cheeks and kisses me softly, cherishing every second. "I always knew you had it in you, Linc. I'm so excited to see what happens after the first launch. It's going to be incredible."

I nod and tug her closer, letting her wrap her leg with mine, and her head falls on my chest. It's quiet until she says, "I have a few suggestions on how you can repay me..." Her hand roams down to my briefs and squeezes gently, earning a laugh.

"You do?" I tease. "And what does that entail?"

I'm exhausted, but not exhausted enough not to seek out what she desires. Burying myself inside of her is exactly what I need—the perfect antidote for a good night's sleep.

Rolling on top of her, I place kisses down her chest, hearing her soft little giggle echo into my ears. "Am I close?" I ask.

"Almost," she says breathlessly.

I continue down, down, down until I finally reach the place she's craving for me to be to start my rounds of gratitude.

A Billionaire's MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now