Coax (Off/Gun)

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"No. I don't want to." Gun pouted, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 

"Pet, just once." Tay stepped closer, holding an object that infuriated his short fried. 

"No, I don't like it. Go away." Gun tried to push the older away. There was no way he would put something like this on his fluffy and perfectly styled hair.

"Please, Gunnie. Just for a moment. One photo, and you can take it off." Tay tried to coax him. Gun shook his head, pouting even more. The door opened suddenly and Off walked inside the room. 

"What are you two doing?" The older man asked, looking suspiciously at his best friend and a cute boyfriend. 

"Finally. Peng, tell Gun to put this on." He lifted the hair band with fluffy white cat ears. Off scanned the object, glancing at pouting Gun. The image of his boyfriend with cat ears popped into his mind, making him gulp. 

"If he doesn't want to wear it, let him be." He said at the end, though his brain said otherwise. 

"Peng!" Tay whined.

"Thank you, Papii." Gun skipped towards him, wrapping his tiny arms around his neck and packed his lips. Off smiled, pulling the younger closer. 

"You would look adorable, though." He whispered into Gun's ear. 

And if a later photo of his boyfriend with cat ears arrived on his phone, no one had to know it. 

OffGun July Collection of Drabbles 2023Where stories live. Discover now