𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. are they actually adults?

Start from the beginning

"Megumi?" he called, but no one answered.

"Megumi!" he made his voice louder so that he could hear him, but there was no response.

"Megumi where are you?"

Y/N looked confused. "Does he go out alone?" she asked.

"No, no he doesn't, and never goes out without me knowing...shit" 
He went all around the house, opened all the doors, looked under the tables, chairs, but there was no presence of the child.

Gojo immediately went to the front door. "It's unlocked" he cursed.

"Y/N, I want you to stay here and never let anyone in, unless it's me okay?" He held her arms.

"But Satoru—"

"Promise me!"

Y/N got startled at his loud voice.

"O-okay, please stay safe"

"I will get Megumi back, meanwhile please eat" he said as he took all the things he needed and kissed her on her forehead.

"Until then, stay safe here, I'll be back, okay?" And he left in a hurry, leaving her alone in his place.


Megumi kept on struggling and wiggling his body out of the man's grasp, he couldn't even scream for help because this man suddenly stuffed his mouth with a handkerchief earlier, he tried punching, but the man didn't even feel anything.

"Kid, you are coming home with me, your struggles will just be in vain so I suggest you keep your energy and stay still"


The people around them were too scared to come near them because Toji would glare at them. And they thought the kid looks like the adult, so it's none of their business to tell off the parent.

The man just appeared at the doorstep earlier and snatched him away when Megumi was closing the door.

When Toji set his kid down to get something, Megumi saw an  opportunity and ran as fast as he could.

"Hey you!"

Megumi didn't know where to go, but he just ran and ran and even passed by a group of teens. Toji even pushed one of them away which made the boy stumble.


"Hey wait a second, isn't that Megumi?" The girl pointed as the boy runs away.

"And that's definitely not Gojo sensei who's chasing him"

"Let's go after him Maki! Inumaki!"

"Inumaki you go get Megumi because you're faster, me and Yuta will stop that man" Maki said.

"Take him to school, he will be safe there, then call Gojo sensei!" Yuta added.

Inumaki nodded and ran as fast as he could, he looked for Megumi in every direction, and thankfully he was able to see a glimpse of his spiky hair, so he went to his direction, Maki and Yuta on the other hand went in front of Toji.

"Get out of my way you brats!"

"Go ahead Inumaki!"

Inumaki continued running until he reached and grabbed Megumi who yelped and struggled upon thinking he was caught, but then he saw who it was and his eyes widened.


Inumaki put him down for a second and gestured him to climb his back. Megumi did and when Inumaki was sure he was safe he said "Hold tight", and then ran as fast as he could again.

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