𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. what went wrong?

Start from the beginning

"You're crying, Y/N! What on earth happened?"

Y/N took a deep breath to calm herself and wiped her tear. "Nothing happened, it's just me being emotional, please leave me alone now Nanami" she looked away.


Nanami wanted to hug her, like he would always do when she's sad. But she suddenly spoke.

"Please don't hug me" she said, her voice starting to crack.

Nanami got frozen in his spot. That statement alone crushed his hopes.  Sure he said to himself before that if ever Gojo hurts her, he would take her back, yet those words from her drew the line. He clearly understood what she meant by that, as he remembered her principles.

"Can't believe this book has this trope again! It was going smoothly! Now it's ruined!" She complained. "Why is the main character letting her ex comfort her? No way I'm letting any man that's not my relative comfort me when I get into fights with my significant other!"

"Y/N, it's just a story"

"Still! It's not proper taking hugs and all from another man when you are in a relationship, and that goes the same for men too!"

"Okay..." He took a deep breath. "I'll leave now" He said and slowly walked away.

And just when he closed the door, Y/N wasn't able to contril her tears anymore.

Nitta got worried when Nanami told her on his way out that Y/N needed company, so she knocked on the door and entered, her eyes widened as she heard sobbing noises.

"Y/N-san! What happened?"


Megumi groaned upon hearing the continuous ringing of Gojo's ringtone in the living room. He fell asleep on the couch, and he hated alarm clocks, Gojo's phone has been ringing for so long now.

His sensei is out and forgot to bring his phone. Annoyed at the nonstop ringing, he picked it up and answered the call, not looking that it was an unknown number.


The person on the other line was silent. Megumi tilted his head and spoke again.

"Hello? This is Gojo sensei's..." He pondered on what to say, he wasn't his student or his relative. So he really didn't know what to say to the caller.

"Where is Gojo?" Megumi shuddered at the deep voice that responded behind the line.


"And who is this speaking?" The man questioned.

"His..." He really didn't know what to say and was starting to get scared at the man's voice.


"Megumi! I'm back!"

Megumi got startled at Gojo's voice that he dropped the phone which abruptly ended the call.

"I forgot my phone, hey why do you look so scared?" Gojo went near him.

"Someone called on your phone and I answered it, and a man with a deep voice was behind the line"

"What?" Gojo immediately picked up his phone. He was about to check his call log when an unknown number called again.

He didn't hesitate to answer it in one ring.


"Gojo-san, is this you?"

Gojo furrowed his eyebrows. "Yes. Who's this?"

"It's me, Nitta! Y/N's secretary"

Gojo was confused, why would Nitta call him?

"Y/N-san passed out, and is having a high fever, I already took care of her, but she needs to go home and you are the only person I can find that's listed on her emergency contacts that's posted on her table so—"

Gojo didn't even let her finish, he already said "I'm on my way" and ended the call.

"Damn it" He cursed and was in a hurry, he took his keys and wallet with him.

"Sensei, who was it?"

"Come with me Megumi" he said.

"Y/N needs help"


Y/N found herself in her family's home. Her eyebrows furrowed as she heard someone crying, she followed the noise and saw two little girls crying in front of two caskets. There seemed to be a funeral and all the people around her were mourning.

Suddenly, the younger girl looked up at her, and she was suprised to see how familiar her face was.

"Why did they leave us, nee-chan? Why are grandma and now even grandpa in those boxes?" She cried and asked the girl beside her.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you, I won't leave you" the other girl who seemed to be the older sister said and hugged her.

Y/N was about to go near them when suddenly the girl that was comforting her younger sister, was now the one in the casket. And the younger sibling suddenly became an adult but still continued crying.

"Nee-chan, you said you are not gonna leave me, but why are you there now?" She sobbed. "Our parents are also always out abroad, and now you are gone...Yuji will also move with Jin in another town, my boyfriend is also leaving me, and I'm now all alone. Why is everyone leaving me alone?"

Y/N held a deep breath when she realized that the crying girl was her all along.

Suddenly, she felt warm and uncomfortable, then her eyes shot wide open. She was sweating. Her fever has finally subsided.

"I was dreaming" she groaned then looked at her surroundings.

It wasn't the clinic or her home.

"Y/N-san!" Suddenly, a kid went near her, and when her vision was no longer blurry she recognized who it was. She unconsciously lifted her hand and reached for his face and smiled weakly.

"Megumi" she spoke and smiled weakly, she felt happy to see the kid after a week, even if she knows it's just her imagination. "I must still be dreaming"

"Y/N-san, it's really me!"

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Gojo sensei! Y/N-san's awake!"

At the mention of his name, Y/N regained all her consciousness and immediately sat up.

"What?" She questioned. "How did I get here?"


Gojo's past arc last episode sad? Don't worry I gotchu

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