Three Days

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Ally was in her office when her cell phone rang with Elijah's contact popping up. "Hello, brother." She greeted the original with a chipper tone in her voice. "Hello, Little One. I'm afraid I have some concerning news." Elijah said his tone completely urgent and serious. "What happened? Is Freya going to need my help again?" Ally asked sitting up straighter. "No, Little One, we are leaving New Orleans. As we speak, Hayley is calling Alaric to set up a meeting to enroll Hope in your school. We are moving back." Elijah reveals and Ally is stunned for a moment. "Oh." Was all she could say for a good few minutes. "Well, we will be happy to have Hope here." Aly says tapping her foot. "You know that her acceptance to the school is not what holds my concern." Elijah says. "I know. I'll tell Damon and Kristie; see what we can come up with to prepare the twins. It will be fine Lijah. This was bound to happen at some point." Ally says running a hand through her now shoulder length red curls. "I just thought you'd want to hear it from me before you heard it from Alaric." He said. "Thanks, Lijah. Guess I'll be seeing you soon." Ally sighed. "See you soon, Little One." Elijah said before hanging up. "Fuck." Ally whispered to herself.

She got up from her desk and walked out of her office into the busy halls of the school. "Hey Ms. M." A few students called out to her. "Hey, guys!" She said with a feigned happy smile on her face as she walked to Alaric's office. "Alright, we look forward to seeing you on Thursday." Alaric says hanging up. He stands up to see Ally already standing in his office pacing. "I'm guessing Elijah told you first?" Rick winced when he asked. "Yeah." Ally said quietly as she continued to pace. "You gonna tell Damon and Kristie?" Rick asked. "Yeah. Then we have to tell the kids. I mean its not like they don't know who their father is they just never met him and only know the stories." Ally rambled. " He'll figure out, surely, I mean they are so much like him it literally drives me insane. How are they so much like him?" She continued and Alaric started to get worried as he watched her spiral. " I should have told him from the beginning. They are his kids, but they are also mine and I didn't want him to break their hearts, Ric. They're just babies! My babies!" Ally said her eyes glowing red and veins appearing beneath her eyes. "Woah! Okay, I am giving you the rest of the day off to sort this out. Go to the Grill and talk to Damon I'll send Kristie there on her lunch. Now, go." Alaric said grabbing Ally by her shoulders. "Okay. Yeah, okay." Ally said taking deep breaths to return her face to normal. "Thanks, Ric." She said leaving his office.

"Momma!" Ally heard as she was making her way back to her office. She turned quickly and saw her son EJ waving her over to what use to be the living room but is now just where the kids study or just hang out on the couches. "Hey, sweetheart, what's up?" Ally says painting on a convincing happy face for her baby to see. "I was wondering if the best mom ever felt like getting the best son ever a double bacon cheese burger with loaded fries, ranch on the side, and a sweet tea?" EJ asked before giving me this puppy dog look that made Ally laugh. "Sure, mi principito ( my little prince), let me ask your sister what she wants I'm actually headed to the Grill in a few." Ally said kissing the top of her sons head before leaving to find her daughter. "Love you, ma!" EJ shouted as his mom walked away. "Love you too!" Ally shouted back.

She walked out the back doors of the school and saw her daughter there, painting a landscape of the forest. " Hey, princessa (princess), I'm getting lunch from The Grill. Your brother put in his order, what do you want?" Ally asked coming up behind her daughter and pulling up all her long red curls, beginning to put them in a messy bun at the top of Astrid's head. "Thanks, momma. I'll have the same as EJ." Astrid said not taking her eyes away from her canvas. "Okay, baby." Ally said kissing her daughter's temple before her eyes set on the canvas. " Put some brighter high lights on this bit of this tree here." Ally said pointing to what she was referring too. "It will make the ones in the background seem farther away." Ally explains and a smile appears on her daughters face. "Thanks, momma." Astrid said taking her eyes away from her canvas finally. "Love you munchkin." Ally said walking away. "Love you, too!" Astrid shouted getting back to her painting. Ally smiled as she walked the halls of the school, she smiled as she got in her car, and she smiled as she walked into The Grill. But her smile stopped and her real emotions appeared as she sat in her booth taking a deep breath wondering how to tell her kids that the whole Mikaelson family will be in Mystic falls in three days.

"Hey, Ally, what can I get you today?" The server, Nathan asked politely. "I'd love a whiskey, Nathan. One for Damon too, please." Ally said giving a smile. "Any food?" Nathan asked. "Burger and fries please. The kiddos want their usual to go." Ally said and Nathan smiled. "You got it!" He said before waling away to put in her order. "Damon, I know you heard me order you a whiskey." Ally said and to anyone else she looked like she was talking to herself but to the Salvatore counting inventory in the back of the bar he knew she was talking to him. He walked over and sat in her booth with his signature smirk on his face. "You having whiskey before noon? What happened to make you fall back into old habits?" Damon joked. Nathan set the two glasses of neat whiskey down quietly and Ally thanked him before turning back to Damon. "We have a new kid enrolling. On Thursday her family will be at the school for a orientation and a tour." Ally said before backing the glass of whiskey in one go an motioning to Nathan for another one.

"Okay? That's good you're helping another kid? Why does this not seem like a celebratory drink?" Damon asked. " It's Hope." Ally says staring at her empty glass. "The Mikaelson clan is moving back to town." She continued. Nathan came up with the bottle of whiskey ready to refill Ally's glass when Damon gently stopped him. "You might wanna leave the bottle here." Damon said grabbing the bottle and pouring Ally's glass himself. "Okay?" Nathan said before walking away. "What are we going to tell the twins?" Ally asked drinking half of her glass. "I don't know." Damon said before backing his drink. "I mean obviously I have to be honest with them but I don't want them to treat her wrong or hate all of them. I don't want them to have him either." Ally said honestly. "I don't want him to hurt them either." She added. "Look let's just sit them down and lay the news out and however they want to go about it is how we will do this but you have to realize that them coming here is almost guarantees that he finds out about them. Unless he thinks you pulled a Klaus and slept with the next thing that gave you attention." Damon said making Ally pour herself another glass. "Here's your food." Nathan says bringing Ally's hot plate of food. "Thanks, Nathan." Ally said with a small smile. "Need anything else?" Nathan asked and was met with a polite no. "Okay, then." He said before walking away.

"He totally has the hots for you by the way. I think it might be some milf fetish." Damon says making Ally throw a fry at him. "Gross. He's like twenty. Legally, I'm thirty eight." Ally said before eating a fry. "With the immortal body of a hot twenty three year old." Damon pointed out eating the fry she threw at him. "Still no. Besides you know I like my men older by like hundreds of years."Ally joked and Damon laughed. "Well, then I call dibs." He said doing his little eye thing that made Ally laugh. "I don't know, Sexy, I might hurt you. Besides, I know who you really want and she is currently teaching Lycanthropy." Ally teases making Damon roll his eyes. "Kristie and I are just friends." Damon denied. "Yeah, and hell was just a sauna." Ally retorted. "You're lucky you're hot, Cherry." Damon deflected. "Mm. Don't I know it." Ally smiled before diving into her burger.

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