Mama and Angel time

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We all knew that mommy absolutely hates being tickled. The last time mama tickled her, she almost kicked her in the face trying to get away.

"Yea I think I'm going to stay out of this one. Sorry princesa."

"Mama I'm gonna pee."

"Is she wearing a pull up." She said looking up at mommy still holding me down finally allowing me to take a breath.

"Last I knew she was."

"Okay then it's fine," and she started tickling me again.


Its been an hour since we left  to take Noëlle to the airport and me and mama were grabbing breakfast before we went home. We stopped at this really fancy restaurant with really good breakfast.

"What should we do today." She said picking up a piece of her pancake.

"Can we go to the amusement park."

"Sure. I don't even know the last time I've been to one."

"I've never been."

"Baby." She said looking at me with the look she and Noëlle always do when I tell them something about my childhood.

"No it's fine. You don't have to do that."

"Okay, sorry. But yea we can go home and get ready and we can head out it's about an hour drive."

We were pulling into the parking lot, we were both dressed in jean shorts and a crop top.

"You excited?"

"Yea, I hope I'm not to short to get on everything."

"You should be, you might be short but not that short."


"I'm just stating facts Angel, you are quite short. Which doesn't make sense as your parents are pretty tall."

"My abuela was short. She was about 5'1."

"Hmm that makes sense."

I didn't even realize we were at the ticket booth until I heard the lady ask what type of tickets we wanted.

"Do you want the fast pass of regular?" Isabelle said turning to me

"Fast pass," I said excitedly, jumping slightly.

"Heads up we can only get on each ride twice."

"That's fine."

We got our wristbands and headed inside the park the park was fairly crowded for it to be 11 on a random Thursday. The lines weren't super long but they were short either.

"What do you want to get on first."

"That one." I said pointing to the biggest ride in the park.

"How about we work our way up to that one. Since you've never been on a ride before."

"Fine." I looked around for a second before seeing the swings "can we get on the swings?"

"Perfect a simple ride."

We made our way to the fast pass line there was a group of 4 ahead of us. I watched the ride start, and begin to start spinning before going up. I didn't realize I was fidgeting until Isabelle grabbed my hands.

"You nervous?"

"A little."

"I promise this ride is nothing, it's most people's first big kid ride."

It was finally our turn to get on. I strapped myself in and seen Isabelle do the same.

"You'll be fine, it's a fun ride."

We started spinning and as the ride started to go up I closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes, it's fine we aren't that high off the ground."

I opened one of my eyes to see, and realized she was right so I opened my other eye and started the enjoy the ride.

The ride was quickly over, and began getting off. "See it's wasnt bad. Ready for the next one?"

We spent the rest of the time getting on the rest of the rides and stopping quickly for food. We got on a couple of the rides twice already so we really only had the big one left.

The line for this ride was a bit longer, so we had a bit more time to wait despite being in the fast pass line. I seen the ride start more and more times making me more scared to get on it.

"You ready?" Isabelle asked me as the ride operator walked over to make sure we were locked in.

"Not really."

"It's fine, It's not nearly as bad as it looks."

Once we were locked in, the guy walked over to the controls. The ride moved pushed back and I grabbed onto my bars and we were shot forward. I started screaming, but kept my eyes open.

There were about 3 loops and a part that goes underground. It was over as soon as it started.

"That was fun can we do it again?" I said as we got off the ride.

"Yea hurry before more people get in line though."


As we walked back to the car I realized the sun had begun to set. We spent the hole day there, after we finished the fast pass we got in the regular lines for a bunch of the rides again.

"Did you have fun?"

"So much, I wanna go again."

"We should come again with Rose, Adaleigh, Stella and Luna. It's far more fun with a big group."

"Can we?"

"Yea we have to see when we are all free but I'm sure we'll manage to come back before the season is over."

"Thank you."

"For what?" She said looking at me confused

"Today, it was one of the most fun days I've had ever." I said laying my head on the seat allowing my eyes to close a bit.

"Of course Angel. Go to sleep I'll wake you up when we get home.

A/N: okay would you guys like to see another chapter of just Isabelle and Gabi because I had more I wanted add but didn't want this chapter to be super long so I was thinking I would split it in 2 as I feel like I get chapters out faster if it's a continued story line

Also how long do you guys think these 3 have been together because I was thinking of a chapter that has to do with how long they've been together and I have no idea how long it would be.

Our Beautiful Little Angel Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon