Chapter 1

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It was the first day of the new semester, and all the students were relieved to know that school was almost about to end. Various high school clubs prepared activities and programs for the seniors who were planning to attend college and continue their studies, and since many students were interested in those programs, the council club, debate club— and various other clubs would be swarmed by loads of students wanting to register and boost their chance of being admitted in their desire college.

Sunghoon sighed for the nth time, wanting to go home and dive into the warmth of his bed. Ever since morning, he didn't have any time for himself. He was rather busy guiding all the desperate students out who were pleading him for admission. Unfortunately, the school council wouldn't just accept anyone. They would have to go through a rigrous process of administration, along with signing the rules and regualtions. Yeah, it was quite a lot for the club, but the council club was the management of the entire school and they were usually the ones who prepared and initiated activities for the students; they planned and conducted the programs, along with the school rules and regualtions.

"You good, hoon? You've been zoning out, staring at the clock for a while." Jake spoke up after noticing his friend staring at nothingness for a while. He was also in the club and knew how stressful it would be. Sunghoon simply nodded, not paying attention to anything. He had a huge pile of papers surrounding his desk. He was also piled with the huge worload of homework that he would have to complete once he got home. Being the club president did sound great for his college application, but managing and dealing with everyone every day was tiring.

"Well... I'll get going now. I'm done with my part...bye!" Jake stood up, collecting his items and ran out the door. Sunghoon rolled his eyes in disbelief; his own team member had left him to suffer with the heavy workload. He begrudgingly sighed, standing up and fixing the pile, organizing it. He walked the drawers and started arranging the documents, but stopped when he heard a creak through the door.

"Sunghoon? Are you still here?" It was Choi Lia. "I saw Jake running out of the room. Why're you still here? Oh— you're not done yet.." he smiled meekily and stood beside me, helping me with the papers. "You know you could've just asked for my help. I'm your club member too." She chuckled and stacked the large pile of paper inside the drawer.

Sunghoon stood there, feeling flustered because of the distance between them. "Ah— oh, yeah. I-I didn't wanna bother you. Besides, it's my job as the president. Thanks for helping, though.." he flashed a soft smile and tried his best not to smile like a fool in front of her.

"Well then, let me help you a bit before I leave." She moved away from the older and pulled her hair up in a ponytail. Gosh, Sunghoon felt like screaming right now. He wondered how someone could look so gorgeous just by simply tying up their hair. He stared at her in admiration while he tied her hair up and started reading through the papers. He blushed and looked away, scared of meeting eyes with her.

They spent around 2 hours inside the office, alone, working on the papers. Lia yawned and stretched her arms, leaning back on her chair while groaning. Sunghoon peaked a glance at her before following her movements. He mumbled a few incoerent words, which Lia couldn't hear properly. "What?" She asked, untying her hair and letting them fall over her shoulder. They fell so gracefully, and Sunghoon simply stared.

"I think we should get going. Everyone left ever since the school ended." Lia concluded after standing up and grabbing her bag. "Sure. I'll just get this done and head home— wait, do you want me to drop you off? It's getting kinda late." He answered, hoping for a nod from her. "Nah, it's alright. Besides, I can call my driver and he'll pick me up. Thanks for the offer, though." She smiled and walked out the room, not forgetting to wave a goodbye to the boy.

Amidst the stars | HeehoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora