Dominik • Self-Harm

Start from the beginning

"I accidently cut my leg on a nail in the showers," he explains. "I didn't realize I was bleeding before coming back in here and seeing it on the towel. Didn't wanna worry you."

Dominik can see the hesitance on Finn's face, but it only takes a few seconds for Finn to shrug and nod, accepting. "Just be more careful, yeah? Can't have our NXT champ getting injured by a bloody nail of all things."

He forces a chuckle. "Will do."

Later, when Dominik is sitting on the bus with Finn beside him, he feels his heart tear. The pain from his self injury that lays on his thigh barely existent next to the shame of not being able to stop since he was fourteen, and the guilt of lying to one of the only people who care for him. He's a coward, and a liar, and he doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve to be Rey Mysterio's son; he doesn't deserve to be part of The Judgment Day...

He doesn't deserve to live.


Deep breathes, Dominik. In and out, in and out.

He grinds his teeth as he feels another kick to his already busted ribs. Kevin Owens is above him and showing no mercy. With every kick, Dominik shrinks further into himself which only makes KO grow more fierceful. Dominik looks toward the other end of the ring where Priest is distracted with Owen's tag team partner, Sami Zayn. He's on his own.

Dominik had been doing fairly well. He made a valiant effort to stay on his feet and nearly tagged Zayn out before he kicked out on two. Priest, being the strongest and broadest, had been focusing on KO up until Zayn changed course and the opponents changed. That hadn't deterred Dominik though. He kept on swinging and allowing the ropes to help lead his way to victory. But then Owen's landed a kick to his thigh, the thigh that held his most recent self-harm from the locker room. A week had only made the cuts more sensitive. And so Dominik had groaned out in pain and collapsed to the floor, putting pressure on his clothed thigh. KO didn't miss the opportunity.

Dominik closes his eyes as he lets the pain consume him. He possesses no more strength to battle the attack.

And that's when he hears her. The strong and fearful voice of the Women's World Champion. She's at ringside, yelling at Owen's to cease his attack. The screams of Rhea must have caught Priest's attention for he pushes Zayn aside and rushes to Dominik's aid. He punches KO and pushes him against the ropes, causing Owen's to slip and land to the floor. Two breaths is all it takes for Priest to have KO pinned. Four breaths and Dominik and Priest are declared winners.

Rhea gets into the ring and rushes to Dominik's side. "Hey, I'm here," she whispers, grabbing his hand.

Dominik groans as he clutches her hand. "I'm sorry. I don't know how I let him-"

Rhea shushes him. "Enough of that. That twat will pay."

Priest comes to them next, kneeling down by Dominik's head. "You okay, Dom?"

He nods as he begins to rise, hissing at the newfound pain in his ribs. The others grab him on both ends and help him out of the ring.

Priest ignores KO when they pass him, but Rhea has other plans. She kisses Dominik's head before grabbing a nearby chair and throwing it at Owen's who doesn't have adequate enough time to dodge the object. She kicks him in the ribs, causing him to keel over. "How. Dare. You!" she shouts, kicking him repeatedly. Zayn, seeing his partner being attacked, begins rushing to the altercation. "You don't hurt what's ours like that!" She punches and kicks until being pulled off by Zayn who is then pulled off by an official. Rhea doesn't acknowledge either of the men as she retakes her position next to Dominik.

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