Last Day Of School || 2:57pm

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Everyone stares intensely at the clock waiting for the hand to turn to 3.

Everything is silent the only things you could hear were pens tapping on the table and the smack of people chewing gum


*the bell rings*

Everyone jumps up from their seat all you could hear was shouting. All you could see were pages from books scattered everywhere, people running, pencils flying across the hall.

Summer had officially started.

"Come to my house at 4:00pm to start getting ready Jodi said shes gonna pick us up at 6:00" Y/n says

"How do you know she said yes to us coming?" Carl asks

"I have my ways" Y/n says


It was just Y/n and Carl alone now since Hirschfelder, Tommy and Mitch walked a different to them.

"I'm sorry about earlier I promise I like you just as a friend." Carl says

"Don't worry it's okay. I know they were joking" Y/n says softly. But Y/n's head was telling her no and she didn't want it to be a joke.

When they reached her house they said goodbye to each other while Y/n ran to her front door.

"Hello honey! How was your last day of junior high?" Y/n's mom asked
"Sorry mom i'm going to a party and I don't know what to wear! I'll talk to you later! Promise!" Y/n said, sprinting up the stairs.


Y/n lies on her bed staring intensely at her ceiling but all she could think of was Carl.

"This is weird why do I feel like this? I mean I have been friends with him for years and i've never felt like this before?" Y/n wonders.

"Well actually no there was this one time and this other time and this one time too and this one and-" Y/n stops and snaps out of her deep thinking

"Im in love with Carl Burnett!" Y/n shouts.

"Whats that honey?" Her Mom asks

"Oh nothing!" Y/n replies

"Im in love with Carl Burnett!" She whispers underneath her breath obviously happy about the whole thing

"Im in love with Carl Burnett?" She says again but this time she can't believe it.


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