part 8

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in the palace

Ankit's aunt's husband entered and found everyone sitting in the garden, exchanging parties of conversation. He sat with them and was looking worried
So the grandfather paid attention to him and asked him

the grandfather: What is wrong with you? Why do you look so worried on your face?

He hesitated at first, but then he spoke
I don't know what to say, but whoever I hired to find Anita told me something I didn't expect

the grandfather:  quickly, speak

Anita owns a 6 year old girl , shock was on everyone's faces

Swati: That can't be true

Manish: You are joking ,right

No, he is a man I trust a lot

The grandfather climbed to his desk, took out his weapon, and went downstairs

At the same time, Ankit, Priyanka, Anita and Anaya had arrived at the palace
They met the grandfather at the door of the palace, carrying his weapon

Ankit: Grandpa, what is this you are carrying

Anita: Go away Ankit,his problem is with me                                              
Do you want to kill me, come on, get up, so I am not afraid
Yes, I have a girl and I am happy that I gave birth to her

Grandpa slapped her and said I don't want to see her again and left to his office angry
Priyanka was holding Ankit's arm and was so scared that she dug her fingernails into his arm

While Anita was crying and Anaya was consoling her, Swati passed out and fell to the ground, everyone ran to her and carried her and put her on the nearest chair and Priyanka went to get a glass of water, after a few minutes she regained consciousness and her condition improved a bit

Ankit pointed to Priyanka with his eyes to go out, so Priyanka left the hall and Ankit followed her to the garden of the house

Swati noticed what happened and said I will go to breathe some fresh air

In the garden

Ankit: Listen carefully, we have to act like we didn't know

Priyanka: Well, but what if your mom asks me

Ankit: deny it , now let's go in so as not to attract attention

Swati listened to all their words, and when she felt that they were coming, she entered as if nothing had happened
After everyone calmed down, everyone got up to go to their rooms because there was nothing left to do
Ankit went out with his aunt and his aunt's husband to get them to the palace door and they started leaving one by one

Priyanka was about to reach the door until Swati grabbed her by the hand and closed the door

Swati: Are you happy with what happened? If you had told me about it from the beginning, what happened would not have happened

Priyanka: What do you mean

Swati: Don't ever deny it, I heard your conversation with Ankit, you have disappointed me once again and make sure this matter is not over here, we will have another conversation
Meanwhile, Ankit entered and asked what is going on here
Swati patted him on the shoulder and told him that she had disappointed me and left
Priyanka walked out of the room angrily, Ankit caught her , grabbed her hand

Ankit: What happened

Priyanka: “angrily” nothing happened

Ankit: How did nothing happen, what did my mum mean by saying she disappointed me

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