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𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑃𝑜𝑣 •

I looked up at the person.. Another me.

I shuddered.

This whole week has been terrifying!

I learn the spot is gonna kill my dad, I get chased and body slammed by Miguel, The whole spider-society chases me, Peter lies to me, Gwen lies to me, And now this! I'm probably gonna die, By the hand of myself. Wait.. Doesn't that make it suicide?

No! Miles! No time to think about that!

The prowler loomed over me, My uncle Aaron- Well.. His uncle Aaron came close to me.

"You said.. My brother is still alive in your dimension?" He asked, a glimpse of hope in his eyes.

"Yes! But he'll die if you don't let me go!" I looked up at him. "Please."

He shook his head.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Miles Morales! I'm spiderman! O-of another dimension!" My voice cracked a bit.

"Hm. We'll have to keep him here until he admits who is is.. Spiderman.." Uncle Aaron scoffed.

I looked at them both, giving them a dull stare.

"Okay." The chains dropped to the ground and they gave me a shocked look. "Watch the palms, Not the mouth!"

I turned invisible and made my wall up on the wall, They were freaking out in their own.. Strangely calm way..?

"Turn on your heat vision." Uncle Aaron told Prowler.

Well shi-

Prowler lunged towards me, I crawled away from him, Swinging from a door frame.

"Damnit I really wish I still had those webs!" I cried, Jumping out of the window after trying to get through the door (The rusted metal wouldn't budge).

Prowler jumped after me, I got a better look at Brooklyn.

What.. Happened?

I shivered.

I managed to escape onto a building, Prowler wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I looked around a bit. Fires.. Broken lights.. Crumbling buildings..

I heard a loud thump next to me.

"It's awful isn't it?" Uncle Aaron asked quietly.

"Yeah.." I pulled my legs up to my chest.

"Is my brother really alive? He missed the shot?" Uncle Aaron asked hopefully.

"Y-yea. But uncle Aaron.. I promise you. I'm not from here." I gave him a begging look.

".. Oh." He just sighed. "Are there many of you 'spiderman'?"

"Spiderpeople. That's what we're called. We can shoot webs and we save our cities.. I.." I thought back to Peter Parker. "I wasn't meant to be spiderman though."

"Who was?" Uncle Aaron asked.

"What?" I sniffed.

"If not you, Who was?" Uncle Aaron asked me softly.

"Someone from this dimension.. Dimension 42." I sighed.

"Well.. You can't change the past, Kid." He patted me in the shoulder. "You can't change the present.. But you can change the future."

I hugged uncle Aaron, tight. Sobbing gently.

"Woah! Okay.. Uh.. Calm down.. Shh.." He rubbed my back, another person dropped next to us.

"What should we do with him?" Prowler asked.

"Let him just calm down.." Uncle Aaron whispered.

Harvey Brown • Brother of Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now