'Old Yoon'? So what.

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Ara closed her notebook and sat back in her desk chair, thinking about what had happened the last month.

She had found out a lot more about this world, since she got here, having spent many hours researching all that she felt she needed to know.

Her first day here, it had taken a few hours of her searching through all her own things, before she felt comfortable enough to go out in the living space. She had realised fairly quickly that the voices she had heard were actually her current family. And she couldn't explain it, but she had been, on some level, relieved that she hadn't heard any female voices.

At just before 1, she had emerged from her room, finding the bathroom just down the hall and doing her business, before heading back to get ready and dressed, and making her way down the stairs.

She had reached the bottom floor and had looked around, the voices coming from an adjoining room down the hall to her left. So, instead, she headed to the right for a moment.

She found a cosy living room area that was very modern and sophisticated, despite the throws and accessories scattered artfully around the space. It was a strange combination, yet it worked beautifully, and she had a feeling that she had some input in areas, when some small amounts of pride went through her.

There were pictures on the shelves and she approached them quickly, careful not to disturb anything. There was an older man that she recognised from pictures in her own room- getting the sense that this was perhaps her father. He was shaking hands with other men and women, and wore what she recognised as a military issue formal uniform. The plaque describe a 'Ceremony of Honour' and named him Song Iseul, a certificate behind it addressed him as Senior Commander, and her eyes widened at his station within the military. 'He must have worked really hard to get there, he's probably quite strict as well'.

She moved her eyes along the shelf, skimming quickly across any other pictures of him, to find other people. There were 5 people that recurred in all. Her 'father', someone that she had been excited to realise was a young Detective Song Jae-Ik (one of her favourite people from the show), a child that she realised must be Jae-Ik's unnamed son, herself, and a no-nonsense looking woman that smiled from the photos. Her excitement grew, when she found a picture of a University graduate Jae-Ik holding herself in a headlock, while they both smiled at the camera and their father looked annoyed in the background.

That lead her to the realisation that not only did she already know one of her favourite people, but she was actually his little sister. 'Whoa! Score!'

That meant that the woman was their mother, though the pictures were all quite old and she assumed the woman must have passed away. And the adorable little boy must be her nephew.

She did a little happy dance and twirled around, realising how great she got it. She was in a zombie world, in a police/military oriented family, with a powerful father and a badass older brother.

A noise caught her attention and she headed to the attached room, a smile immediately covering her face, as she saw the small boy colouring in a picture with crayons. More like scribbling, but it was still amazing in her opinion.

She walked over quietly and sat on the floor with him, letting him notice her slowly.

"What are you drawing?" She asked him quietly, making him look over and smile brightly before he forgot his drawing and jumped on her, knocking her backwards onto the ground, with him on top.

"Ara!" He giggled and began squealing loudly, as she tickled his sides, attacking him from all directions as he wriggled around madly.

She heard a noise and glanced over to see that her brother was now leaning in the doorway with a cheeky grin on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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