Chapter 1: Strange New World ~ Pathway Illuminated by the Moonlight

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The prospect of people actually caring about this story is... scary, to say the least, especially on Wattpad. But since someone wanted an update, that is what I will give. As a matter of fact, I have quite a lot of chapters in reserve, but don't expect them to be released in bulk because I will have to edit them.

Thank you for reading. I hope you will like this chapter. And forgive me if I make any grammar or word use mistakes.


"Ah, this is so nice..." Said Cirno as she was lying on her back sprawled across a floor made out of ice.

It had been a day since she found herself inside of that hole in this new world. Cirno thought this place was quite strange, yet familiar, in a way. The different features of the lake suggested to her that this one wasn't the Misty Lake. There was an island in the middle of the lake, but no red ominous mansion built on it. More importantly, her fairy and youkai friends were gone!

Normally, she would come and bother Daiyousei every morning, or the reverse, and then they would go to play with the various friends that she had made like the Fairies of Light or some of the lesser youkais in Gensokyo. They usually played pranks on the humans together and it was really fun, although quite a lot of time the pranks didn't end well, and they would get an angry shrine maiden on their backs. But the shrine maiden wasn't entirely bad, in her opinion. They often celebrated all kinds of festivals and parties on the shrine's ground, and she didn't really mind youkai intruding, or was she? Anyway, the shrine maiden was an extremely powerful person, and the ice fairy promised to herself that one day she would be the one to defeat her.

Still, she could feel the same magic in the air, if weaker than how she enjoyed it. The lake was pretty much covered in a mist the entire time she had been here, which made the area quite cool, a feature she had always come to like about the Misty Lake. Cirno could see that those were mist puffing out from a forest nearby and then flowed here to the lake, curious, she thought she might investigate that forest later.

Cirno got up from the ice floor and went outside to look at her new house. "It's finally done! I will call it Ice House the 2nd!" For now, though, she was happy that her efforts for some three hours had come to fruits.

If she were to build this house like her first one, it would have taken just an hour to finish. "But I spent triple the time this time, so triple the cool!" She smiled, satisfied with her result which was an igloo-like house with the exact same appearance as the first one she built, albeit slightly larger.

"Now that I think about it, I will be calling you Misty Lake the 2nd! For you also have the cool mist that I like!" Cirno declared loudly as she was sitting by the shore of the lake just beside the water.

A frog suddenly jumped right by her vision, but before it could even touch the ground, it was already covered in ice. "Hah! Another one! But you can't escape me no matter how hard you try!"

Cirno threw the ice cube containing the frog she just made moments earlier into a spot beside her, which had many more frozen frogs lying around. "Though I have to admit that I did freeze quite a lot of frogs, he he... But! My control got better! And nobody was hurt this time, so all is okay, right?"

The ice fairy looked around once again, realizing that she had been talking to nobody but the frozen frogs for a time. "I wonder where is everyone... hmm... well, let's not think too hard about it. I will just go to sleep now, and Daiyousei will probably show up by the the time I wake up, like she always had!"

With that optimistic thought, Cirno went back inside her new house and took a long sweet nap...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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