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It was an all too calm day till those oddly familiar alarms plagued the whole site, SCP-106 that god dammed old, expired BBQ sauce covered bitch was out of its cell once again. new,young researchers were screaming a few sobbing and crying in the halls but not Dr. Elias Shaw, he was probably the oldest Doctor in the site anyways not including 049 of course. Dr. Shaw was making a beeline to the infamous femur breaker with an oh so unlucky D-class.

A few minutes later Dr. Shaw and the D-class made it too the all too famous leg snapper, he hastily forced the very unwilling D-class into the metal contraption strapping the D-class in tight but then he had an idea, the eccentric Doctor decided to take a severed leg (don't ask how he got it because we really don't know) and also strap it into the bone musher, double crunch right? What could go wrong? And with that he activated the femur breaker, the D-class screamed in anticipation of was about to happen, but nothing did, the femur breaker didn't budge, the other leg had jammed the old metal machinery.

So Dr. Elias Shaw tried to unjam it, he tried to yank the other leg out but when he did the severed leg sorta exploded? Blood and bones few everywhere and logged into the machines gears, breaking it. Dr. Shaw muttered a stream of swear words, suddenly the bits of flesh and bone dislodged out of the machine violently and a shard of bone lodged itself in the doctors left, red eye.

"EW EW EW EW ITS IN MY MOUTH!-" Elias exclaimed while gagging not realising that his eye had been impaled.

"ITS IN MY DAMN MOUTH IM GONNA-" Dr. Shaw couldn't finish his sentence before he began to throw up, his back hunched over,  holding onto the femur breaker for support.

What a stupid thing to do, he didn't think this day could get any worse but it did, the gears in the machine turned and with the turning the D-classes femur broke and Dr. Shaws left hand was crushed, both of them screamed in agony.

"HOLY SHIT AAAAAAAAA" screamed Elias while choking on vomit


Both of their screams echoed through the site although the D-classes were a whole lot prominent and as intended the 106 wandered back to the o noice, Shaw was just covered in blood and vomit he had now noticed why his already bad eyesight was worse, and the D-class was sobbing the sight was rather depressing and none of them could even stop the pain as Elias from were he was could not reach to turn the fucking machine off.

106 arrived to see the scene at it's worst blood was splattered pretty much everywhere not that the old man really cared though, he grabbed the D-class by the neck and decapitated it with ease, then he moved onto Elias, yanking him out of the contraption leaving his already crushed hand behind, Dr. Shaw screamed in pain but soon blood loss made him too light headed to think straight. Thick, corrosive goo burnt at his body till that finally gave out and died too and then the old man rampaged through the site once more for 2 more hours till multiple MTF teams re-contained him.

(Sorry this is short but I just wanted to post this somewhere 💀🤚)
(Word count: 576)

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