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The wedding details had all been taken care of. Everything had fallen into place. Lucy had found the perfect wedding dress. She was due to go in for her final fitting in a couple of weeks. Life was less stressful now that the details were all in place. It was happening in a mere 6 weeks. Tim and Lucy could not be more excited.

One thing had been on Tim's mind as the wedding approached. Tim had been living with Lucy and Tamara for a year now. They had become a little family with Tamara and Kojo. Tamara was an adult now. She was a full time college student studying to become a lawyer. Lucy's puppy as Tim had always called her and she had become his puppy as well. He thought of Tamara as his and Lucy's kid. The young girl had wormed her way into his heart and he would do anything for her. They would have family dinners together. It felt right. They were a real family. It wasn't conventional as Tamara was a full fledged adult now. It didn't take away from the fact on how much Lucy and Tim loved her. Even when they would have children or their own in the future. Tamara was always going to be their first kid. Tim had heard that adoption was possible for even adults. All he wanted was for Tamara to be their family, officially.

As Lucy stepped into Tim's office to have lunch. There were occasional times they were able to spent a little more time together at the station. They kept it professional, of course. It was just a time to chat and have a bite to eat together.

"Hi Sergeant Bradford"

"Hi Officer Chen"

"I brought us some lunch from the food truck" chuckled a Lucy

"Luce. I want to talk to you about something that has been on my mind for a while now. We were so consumed with the wedding. I wanted to wait for a good moment. Now that the wedding is all planned and set"

"Tim. Babe. What is going on?"

"So, this might sound crazy but hear me out. I did some research. I found adult adoptions are real and actually happen quite frequently"

"Tim. Oh my gosh. Are you saying what I think you are saying?"

"I am. Luce she is our kid. It may of been unconventional how she became our kid. But she is ours. I want it to be official. I want her to always feel that she is our family. Even in the future when we bring children into this world. I never want Tamara to feel like she is not ours as well. I don't know how she will feel about this. I just really want this for our family"

"Tim, you are such an amazing man. You're right. She is our kid. There is nothing I would love more than to have Tamara as ours in every sense. I know she is going to feel honoured. Let's talk to her as soon as possible and then we can start the process"

A few days later. They sat down to dinner with Tamara. They had made Tamara's favourite meal. Spaghetti.

"OK. You two are freaking me out. Make my favourite meal. You look nervous. Is something going on? You are kinda scaring me"

"There is something we want to talk to you about" muttered Tim "Tamara, you have always been Lucy's family since the beginning. I know I joked about it. Since even before Lucy and I got together you wormed you way into my heart as well. Since living here, Lucy and I are about to get married. We. I, want us to be a family officially"

"Ok. Of course I consider you and Lucy family. Oh and Kojo as well"

"Yes and that's great. We would like to make it official. I would love Lucy and I to formally adopt you. I realize you are an adult. But we want you to officially be our kid. Our daughter"

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑵𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑫 ~ 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now