and lastly what looked like Calida with two braids, a bright orange shirt with overalls, goggles on top of her head, a tool belt around her waist and marker written all over her arms as well as black marks on her hands, arms and face. She was sitting on a stool wearing a big smile talking to a boy standing infront of her and messing with his hair. After some closer looks that 'boy' was Draco Malfoy also wearing the same bright orange shirt along with a pair of jeans and an unusually kind smile, one many believed the Malfoy boy could not make.

Soon all the new arrivals were made aware of the change in surroundings when the annoying slytherin yelled. "Dracey what are you wearing!! and why is the dirty messy girl touching your beautiful hair!! you never let me!!!" all of the new people jumped at the loud voice.

"james!" three voices call out. one of confusion by Remelyn, the second of shock and disbelief from the now human Sirius, and the last of surprised and fake love from the red head of the first group.

james looked at the first two, which was the only voices he had heard, with a smile before dropping his bags and racing to his cousin/brother in all but blood Sirius, when reaching the dog animagi james jumped wrapping his legs around the man's waist causing Remelyn to laugh at the thing the two would do every time they would see each other after breaks. After James got down he gave Remelyn a 'big brother' type of hug. "james!" Remelyn said eyes wide realizing he was here meaning he could have been alive but without harry.

"Sirius black arrested him!" Umbrage yelled causing james to jump and tell them no and ask why only for them to tell him it was Sirius 'i hate my parents and will do anything to annoy them and break all traditions' Black was the reason for Voldemort, or as they said it 'you-know-who', was their the night in october. what surprised them all was when James started to laugh at that.

"Mr. Potter?" Madam Bones asked. "I'm sorry you just said Sirius, Break all traditions and piss off my parents to an early death bed, Black would even think of helping Voldy is hilarious" James tells the head of DMLE. "But he was your secret keeper was he not?"

"No we thought it would be too obvious to the old fool guy thing and his little minion suggested peter 'friend betrayer' Pettigrew" James tells Amelia as she starts to write it all down. "then why did no one know this?"

"because he never got a trial ma'am" Remelyn tells her. After she scolded the minister and threatened his job she asked James and Sirius if she would give them Veritaserum and get concrete proof to free Sirius, both agreeing James went first.

"state you full name and day of birth"

James Fleamont Potter born March 27"

"Who was your secret keeper?"

"Peter Petagriw"

"Why was that?"

"we all thought Sirius would be the obvious choose so Albus Dumblebore and Lily Evans suggested we use peter instead"

"What happened that night?"

"after Remelyn dropped off Hope i was playing with harry and hope in the living room making colored bubbles when all of a sudden everything went black the next moment i felt like i was waking up to see lily over me in tears telling me he came knocked me and lily out and killed my son harry. Lily, as a way to grieve, wanted to move to America so we did."

"is lily Potter still alive"

"lily potter is no more if you are asking about Lily Evans then yes but she no longer holds the potter names"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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