[/;\ Code - Yuma /;\]

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Yuma lived his entire life within the confines of IDSF (the true name of the company had slipped Yuma's mind as he had gotten so used to saying ISDF), and he really wouldn't have it any other way.
He looked up to his superior Yoritomo. A large, balding, burly man whose dark skin had been heavily charred from many fights with fire breathing dragons. He was a rather closed off and gruff individual but he still had a nice heart down there.
His commander Akutsu was a different story. He was a more wiry, light skinned individual with thin golden hair. He was more cynical and rude. Often pushing all of the ISDF members around.
However Yuma was pretty sure that Akutsu was simply being a strong commander so he could look past it.
Yuma was also being trained to be an expert dragon hunter.
A hero that all those who couldn't protect themselves could strive to look up to.
At least that's what he thought he wanted.
To be honest, sense his creation, all he's really done was try and please his superiors. Try and prove that his existence is worth something. That was truly the only reason why he put up with the pain of having dragon's blood siphoned into his body.
Because he didn't want to be scrapped and replaced.

"Heeeey~. Earth to Yuma." A deep voice echoed jokingly in his mind. "Come on, snap out of it.."
The truck he was in suddenly shook. Probably hit a pothole..
"What is it Fomalhaut?" Yuma grumbled aloud.(Fomalhaut being a strange voice that suddenly appeared in his head after being injected with more dragons blood. Apparently it was his 'inner voice' or something but he had his doubts. Regardless, at least it helped him in training and detecting threats.)
"Oh. I just wanted to tell you someone is trying to talk to you."
Yuma's head shot up, as he found himself face to face with a freckled red haired male. Yuma remembered that his name was James and that he was a new recruit.
Which honestly made sense because James was currently shaking like a leaf.
"What is it?" Yuma tilted his head, taking note black coats and blue suits that were mandatory to any ISDF members.
"Uhm..." James stuttered, fidgeting. "I just wanted to ask...is it true that we are going to fight a dragon?"
Yuma chuckled. Poor fella.
"Yeah. Are you worried about it?" Yuma attempted to reassure them.
"...Uhm..Don't tell Commander Akutsu or general Yoritomo but..Yeah, I'm definitely scared."
Yuma smiled, patting Jame's back as the truck they had been riding in stopped.
"Just stay behind me.." Yuma got up, moving towards the exit with the other ISDF soldiers. "I'll take care of this..."

Yuma had been spending the better half of the day just trying to find this dragon because of course it had to be in the forest.
Also of course Yoritomo had everyone split up to maximize their chances of finding this thing.
And yeah, James was sticking to him like a bad rash (not that Yuma particularly blamed him).
"Have we been walking in circles?" James shivered, running after Yuma. "I swear I've seen that tree before!"
"All the trees look the same." Yuma sighed, rolling his eyes. "Let's just continue forward, we need to find that dragon."
James muttered something under his breath as he continued following Yuma meekly.
"Be careful." Fomalhaut's voice echoed into his head. "Somebody's nearby.."
'Who? What are you talking about?' Yuma thought back.
"I dunno who. I'm just saying I sense someone in your general vicinity.."
"Just a bit to the right..Be careful though. I sense that they're not your average person.."
Yuma took off in the direction that Fomalhaut had told him this person was in. James shouted something at Yuma though he was too far to hear.
If there was truly a dragon here, that person might be in danger! He had to save them and guide them out of the forests.
After swatting a tree branch away, Yuma reached the clearing and saw the person Fomalhaut was talking about.
It was a short girl with light black hair with a tan shirt and navy jeans.
The girl snapped to look at him, her wide silver eyes looked at him with horror and bewilderment.
Seems that he'd have to be careful when convincing this person to come back.
"Hey look I-." Yuma started though he was quickly cut off.
"Who the hell are you?!" She hissed, pointing at him and starting to back away.
Yuma noticed the light glimmer of a weapon (likely a sword) held on her jean strap.
Oh god, hopefully she wouldn't become too hostile.
"Look. I just want to help you. I'm Yuma of the ISDF and I'm here to guide you to safety as there's a dragon in this forest and-"
"Look." She snapped, once again rudely butting in. "I don't need any of your 'help', so buzz off."
Yuma sighed, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small handgun and pointed it at the girl. Causing her to visibly wince (though she didn't raise her hands which Yuma found strange).
"Yuma you- Whoa! What are you doing?!" James shouted, finally catching up to Yuma. "You can't point that at an innocent person!?"
"Look.." Yuma said, with a deadpan expression. "You're coming with me regardless of what you want."
"Are you insane?!" The girl hissed, moving backwards slowly. "Threatening me isn't helping you!"
"Yeah dude! Are you off your rocker or something?!"
"You being here is an obstruction of ISDF affairs and is against the law." Yuma growled, not taking his sights off of her. "Don't even think about trying anything as I am well within my right to do this."
James gave Yuma a disgusted expression but Yuma could honestly care less. It was always the new recruits that didn't understand ISDF protocol.
"Be careful Yuma.." Fomalhaut snickered annoyingly. "Don't underestimate her just because you're the one with the gun."
'I'm not underestimating her! So shut it!' Yuma thought back angrily.
"Surreee. Well, just try and not get your ass kicked because you were rash."
Ugh, what did that voice know..He could deal with this on his own. He could feel the pride rushing through his veins. The hero he was about to be.
"I'll give you one more chance to beat it.." The girl hissed.
Yuma found it funny that she thought that she was in a place to make such silly comments.
"No, you WILL be coming with me. Now, will you surrender and come calmly or will I be forced to attack you is..."

[Words: 1119]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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