Phase 1

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A loud thud, disturbed the sleep of the baby, cries echoing all around the little apartment. The thunderbolt rumbling broke the silenced air, light emerging from the curtains, the blood splattered everywhere shining under the light, the boots rubbing against the floor, a man in his thirtys leaned over the window puffing out his left over cigarette, looking at the two months old baby, a gun in his other hand pointing at the head while the baby shuddered crying, shaking virgiously, a call broke. Answering it he moved to another room, till cries faded.

" Are you done with them?" The voice came out raged,

" Yes, I will report soon." The man answered cutting the call.

He looked back over the crib so see the baby still crying, he need to kill him too but something in him didn't wanted to do that, despite the fact that he is a psychopath. He is sure he didn't leave any clue, over the dead bodies laying on either side of the room, blood still oozing out, the room heated up, getting the baby in his hands he walked out, like nothing happened.

As if he is walking with his own child in the dark ally, the moon shined bright, the stars no where to be seen, indicating it may rain any soon, going through the country side, he spotted a big Manson where he leaves for a while, as he stepped in the rain started pouring, a thunder roaring, making the baby cry out more, making the man smile, he closed the door and made his way towards his room, where his wife is sitting on the bed, crying and sobbing.

The moment he entered in her cries stopped hearing the baby cries, she looked at her husband and then at the baby wailing in his hands, making a grabby hands she took the baby form his hold,

" So he is the one who you were talking about?" He just nodded at her kissing her temple,

" It's him Jeon Jungguk, but from now on he is our son. Kang Jungkook." A lone tear dropped from his eyes as he watched jungkook smuggling into his wife's embrace. He looked at his wife with a found smile.

" He is so pretty, our son is so pretty isn't he, Ryung?" She giggled looking at her son,

"Ha-yun I think we need to leave this place." He picked her up instantly as footsteps were getting near, gun clicking sounds. He walked out to the garage area, where his car is ready to go, placing her in her passenger seat, he got into the driver seat, before he could get it. He eyed the surroundings for a sec and drove off, getting out of the town, he grabbed his phone dialing a particular person, and whispered

" Set the fire, I am out of line." And in a sec he could hear a loud bomb blast, he looked over his wife to see her all frightened, holding the baby tight in her arms,

" I am resigning off, But if something happens inform me instantly, Ji-hoon."he said in a monotone, getting a nod in return,

" Keep them safe at any cost, Ryung. I have your back. But don't let your guards down." And the line went dead, he leaned back to seat glancing over his wife who is now glaring at him like she would flip him off, he smiled at her and spoke.

" We are off to start a better life honey with our son, this time I will make sure to fill full your all dreams. Together." And leaned over kissing her temple,

" I trust you Mr.Kang." and their journey began.


" Jeons and Kangs are out of line." A man declared out and instantly the room filled with cheers. People talking shit.

" Let's rule the world in our way. The organisation we are going to build is going to take down everything. Let's rule over and all." People screamed getting hyped,
As the thunderstorm joined the chaose, they didn't know walls could here and nature can remember.


On the other side..

" Attention everyone, the organisation we have started is turning back at us, we have no where to go. They terminated few our Agents. It's not safe anymore, shut yourself up. Live a normal life, protect your children. But everyone should be in touch, knowing eachother whereabouts. Let's wait till there rage gets down. Stay in shadows, trust no one. Jeons and Kangs are dead, and I don't want any family to get hurt, we have prepared new Id's,and phones for you all. Hope your new journey begins with a new turn about the money, I gave you all new accounts filled with money enough for you all to live a century. Thank you." A man in his fifties spoke, his eyes filled with sarrow.

" Mr.Kim we need you to promise us, that you will never turn your back to us." A woman spoke carrying her baby in her arms, her husband behind her trying to calm her down.

"Mrs.park I promise, I promise you all and I am willing to say this, train your children the best to use their powers, keep it down but one day they will be able to save themselves and the people. And we are going to keep them together in a school, so they can know each other, as we do. History may repeat but it will never be the same, we will contact you soon." As he said everyone nodded, parting their ways taking their new phones which can never be tracked down, and new Id's, and parted their ways biding each other,

" Appa let's go we are getting late." His son voice bought him back, he smiled at his family, which is the whole reason to stay alive rather than attacking back. Taking his grandson from his son's hands, he smiled,

" Taehyung-ah, let's go." And made his way out, checking out everything, making sure everything was cleared, he blasted the place as her entered the car,

" We have to go somewhere good. Where to Appa." His daughter in law asked in a low voice, tired by all the things cherry on the top her pregnancy is giving a hard time

" Let's see, what feature holds." And their journey began...

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