The boxes

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( Amor will be trans in all my stories for now on and bib and amor will be brothers and sisters but no the ones with amor as a boy and nit with the stories when amor and bob are not brothers remeber this is my au )

Bofo: Mph........*He wakes up to see boder on top of him* Boder what are you doing?
Boder: ( Good morning! )
Bofo: Hehe good moring pumkin
He gave boder a kiss on the lips
Bofo: Now can you get off of me?
Boder: ( Oh sure! )
He gets off of bofo and bofo gets up
Bofo: Come on let's.go out now
Boder: ( Okay! )
( I know you simps love boder x bofo ship and bob x bosip )
They walk out of bofo's room
Bofo: Uhhh.....Bider did you put these boxes here?
Boder: ( Huh oh  uh no..... )
Bofo: Sould we call a faimly meeting
( In this au everyone feels like family and since they live in the same house the fungang backgroundgang and bob gang )
Boder: ( Yeah we should )
Bofo: Okay..........FAMILY MEEETING!!!!!
Everyone comes running to the living room
Bob: What is it woah......
Bosip: Did anyone get these?
Mimi: Not me
Blu: I did not get those
Amor: Then who did
Amor walks towards the boxes
Amor: Hey there's a yes card but there's no no card
Boweav: Should we pull it?
Boder: ( NO! )
Boweav pov: But what if it's a parnk
Boweav pov: I can I just have to pull it
He walks over to the yes card and grabs it
Amor: Boweav no....
Bpweav pulls it
Everyone: BOWEAV, ( BOWEAV )
He takes it off
Boweav: Sorry....
Amor: It's okay....

Boweav: Oh you can open this
Amor: Let me see
He opens it
Amor: It says " Congrats on joining the game of the monsters each box contains a monster you have to defeat it to go onto the next one after you did the first box you will have to pick the right box there will be hints "
Bobot slaps his head
Bobot: SHUT UP!!!!
Amor: What do we do....

Boweav: Oh you can open thisAmor: Let me seeHe opens itAmor: It says " Congrats on joining the game of the monsters each box contains a monster you have to defeat it to go onto the next one after you did the first box you will have to pick the rig...

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Bosip: Let's just pick a box
Amor: Uhh okay how about the red one?
Bob: No the green
Bosip: Just do green
Amor: Okay
Amor touches the green box
Amor: Hm nothing happen
Amor starts to glow and all the boxes went away
Amor: Uhh guys.....
Bob: Yeah?
They seen amir glowing
She was teleported away
Chairles: AMOR
That's when they heard a laugh
Everyone: AAAAAAAAA!
They follow bob to his room
Bob: Omfg first off was that granny?!
Bosip: Yes
Bob: And second AMOR'S GONE
Bobal: What is happening!
Grannie: Kids were are you?
Sticky: Let's try to escape
Everyone: Okay
They left bob's room to go to the door
Fever: It's lock....
Boweav: This is just like the game we need to find the tools to escape and watch out for grannie
Bob: Okay should we spil-
Everyone: NO!
Bob: Okay then....
Bosip: Let's check the kicten first
They walked tk the kicten
Bofo: Anyine find any tools?
Bobal: Nope
Jghost: No
Bobot: Hey there's a werch over here let me grab it
He grabs the werch
Boder: ( Nice let's find where it goes )
Bob grabs boder
Boder pov: AAAAAAA!
A hang bag flew over them
Ash: RUN!!!!!
They ran to bob's room
Bob: Everyone okay?!"
Everyone: Yes
Bob: Oh hey bosip there's a key right behind you
Bosip: Huh? Oh
He grabs the blue key
Boweav: That goes to the door and the werch does to and it goes to something else
Bob: Let's grab some stuff and out it where it goes okay
Bosip: You just want to spilt up
Bob: Yes!
Bobal: Let's do it snice this is a bog house
Everyone: Okay!
They spilt up ti find stuff
Grannie: Here are granny's rules! 1 Don't eat cookies 2 Eat your greens 3 LISTEN TO GRANNIE 4 No being rude ti granny 5 Don't steal grannie cookies 6 BEHAVE!!!
Bob pov: Got to go
He runs off
After 5 hours
Grannie: Aw there's my cat hi spark
Bobal: That's amor's cat
Bobot: Yeah we need to grab his cat to to escape
Bobal: Welp watch this
Bobal: Hey grannue i am going to get a cookie!
Grammie: NO
She walks away
Bobot: Great job
Bobal: Thanks
Bobot grabs amor's cat
Bobot: Let's meet the other's
Everykne: Ran from there spots to go to the exit
Grannie: NOOOOOOOO!!!
Grannie disappears and all the traos locks and other stuff was gone
Bob: WE DID IT!!!
Bosip: Let's go back inside now
They went inside to see a check mark on the green box
Bobal: Hmm guess that ones done
Tama: Look there is a walkie-talkie
Bosip: Let me grab it
Bosip walks over to it
Bosip: Uhh guys there's a black paper
Bob: Wait remember what amor said before he got taken away he was reading the paper and it said "After you pick the first box you will need to pick the right box next there will be hints"
Geese: Oh yeah which means we have to touch the black box.....
Bob: I will touch it
Bosip: You sure?
Bob: Yeah wait there's a note!
He grabs jt
Bob: It says "Whoever is picking the next box will become the MONSTER?! But they can be  saved if the players make it out alive"
Fever: Which means if you touch it we will still be able to save you
Bob: Welp here i go
He touches the black box and gets teleported away
Bosip: Hmmm what is he going to be?
Bobal: I don't know....
That's when sleepy smoke came in
Bosip: Oh god *cough*
Boweav: WHAT'S *cough* HAPPING!!!
Chairles: We *cough* don't *cough* know! *cough*
They passed out
Bob: Lalalalalalalalalala!
Bob was walking around in a dress
Bob: Hahaha now friends to play with!
He starts placing dolls down
Bob: Stay there dolls and make sure they don't escape
He walks away
Bob: Lalalalalalala
The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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