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Liv was cleaning up the mess Carmen made.
"What happened here?" Tracy walked back in the kitchen as she finished cleaning up.
"Carmen pushed it all off, she's upset" she answered.
"Oh I'll go find see her do you know where she went"
"No she disappeared when I looked down at the floor."
"Ah okay I'll go check her room" tracy walked out.
Carmen came through the back door from the garden.
"Carmen" liv smiled.
"You should of helped me instead you just stood there, your older then me you should know that I needed help to get someone to play with me" Carmen raised her voice.
"I wanted you to be independent" she tried to say but Carmen pushed past her storming out.

She was still tidying the kitchen when Carmen came back in with Harry trying to find Jeff and Tracy came  in too.
"Found him" Harry spotted him.
"Do you want a hand?" Tracy offered.
"I have to find him myself" Harry said firmly.
"Okay" tracy smiled.
Harry grabbed him with tracy holding him still so he didn't fall.
"Carmen I didn't—" liv tried to speak to Carmen but she didn't let her instead blew her tongue at her.

It was now lunch. Liv walked in.
"What you spying on me" sapphire storms up to Carmen who's sat down.
"How did you know where jeff was hidden?" She scolded.
"It's only a game" she replied.
"Which had nothing to do with you" sapphire replied angrily.
"Harry sapphire hid Jeff where you couldn't find him, so you'd leave her alone, that not fair is it?"
"Shut up" sapphire snapped back.
"I was trying to help Harry"
"He didn't ask for your help"
"Okay calm down now please" tracy says.
"You are an interfering, sneaky little brat" sapphire snaps.
"Hey" Mike raises his voice.
"Yeah it's all your fault smelly Carmen" Harry adds on.
"Your all mean,nasty selfish people I hate you all, especially you Olivia Johnson" Carmen yells as she gets up from her chair. Splashing water all over liv.
Carmen stormed off, tracy ran after her and liv even though what she said hurt her.

"Carmen!" Tracy knocks.
"Go away! You told me to play with someone, you said it would make me feel better, well I don't and now everyone hates me." Carmen cries.
"They don't Carmen" liv says.
"Yes they do. Now leave me alone!"
Tracy was going to knock again but didn't. She shrugged at liv and walked off.
"Carmen please!" Liv says.
"No go away!"
Liv walks off as well to get changed.

"Where's liv I want to show her this?" Frank asks Gina. He got a pocket watch from a lot of great grandads ago.
"She probably in her room but just leave her for a bit yeah" Gina says.

Everyone was shouting when liv woke up the next morning. Her bracelet from her mum, she didn't know why she liked it or kept it she just always remembered when she was younger her and her mum went shopping, they were happy and they got matching, it was special to her, a nice memory, the only memory she remembered that was happy. Where was it?
She realised as she got downstairs. Carmen had taken it and all the other kids stuff, one thing from each, an important thing to them.
Liv tried to get Carmen to open the door and talk to her. She was trying to be calm but she needed that bracelet back.
All the others were shouting on the stairs to get there stuff. Tracy came up to help.

All that happened was. Carmen finally let them both in and they talked. Liam wanted to get all the stuff back so got balloons and climbed up the ladder. He realised liv and Tracy were in there. The balloons dropped from the bag and splashed on Gina.
They realised Carmen stole there most precious things because she won't get here's back. Lily and the girls.
"Hey you okay?" Liam asks as there all in the living room, she was fiddling with her bracelet.
"Yeah I just wish she took something else you know" she sadly says.
"At least it's back now, why don't you go see her?" He suggests.
"Yeah" she walks off.

"Hey Carmen" she strolls in.
"Hi" she says.
"I'm sorry I took your bracelet" she hugs her as she sat on the bed. "It's alright it least I have it now" liv smiles.
"Oh you got Mail" tracy says as a paper plane flies in.
"Dear Carmen we are doing something in the living room and we need your help with it. Top secret and we would very much like you to come down." She reads out.

Liv stays upstairs cleaning the chalk off the wall and Tracy comes back up to help and also keep an eye on her didn't want to spoil the surprise party there planning for Friday.
"Tracy can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure"
"What is it like being a care worker?"
"It's hard but seeing all the kids grown up is worth it. Why?" She smiles.
"Well it's just because I like helping people, watching them grow up, cleaning up all the mess they make?" She slowly says.
"You want to be a care worker don't you,when you get older?" Tracy says.
"Yeah do think I could be?"
"Your brilliant with them here and your so kind, you would be an amazing one" she hugs her.

"Right guys we need to make this the best party ever okay" Liam explains.
"Yeah she needs to have the best birthday she's ever had" Frank adds.
"We can blow balloons" tee and Carmen say.
"We can do paper chains" Gus, Toby and Johnny say.
"Then we will be in charge" Liam points at Frank.
"But we need to do this well not getting caught by liv, she can't know or sense that we're doing anything." Frank adds.
"Got it" they all say.
"And what will you do Sapphire and Harry" Liam asks as there stood at the door.
"Pictures!" Harry exclaims.
"Saff?" Frank says.
"I don't know?" She says.
"Whatever you just keep her distracted. We start this tomorrow. So then we have tomorrow and Friday morning to get it set up" Liam says.
"Okay fine" sapphire agrees
"Okay" they all say.

Stuck in care.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora